Schedule | Outline | Details
Wednesday February 23
Thursday February 24
Schedule | Outline | Details
- Dates:
23-24 February9:00-17:30
- Language:
(Plenary Session and APIPv6 Track only provided with simultaneous interpretation between Japanese and English)
- Registration Fee (two-day conference package):
Early Bird (to 26 January 2005)
General Participant |
APNIC Member |
24,000 JPY |
18,000 JPY |
approx. 210 USD |
approx. 160 USD |
Standard + Onsite (27 January 2005 - on site)
General Participant |
APNIC Member |
30,000 JPY |
23,000 JPY |
approx. 260 USD |
approx. 195 USD |
- Conference Fee (two-day) Includes:
coffee breaks (twice daily)
23-24 February
conference lunch
23-24 February
APRICOT Reception
22 February
APRICOT Social Event
24 February
access to BoF sessions
access to demo area
Schedule | Outline | Details
Conference Details
Wednesday, 23 February
C-PL APRICOT Plenary Session 9:00-10:30
C-PL-1 9:00-9:10
- Session Title:
Opening Greetings
- Opening Speakers:
Dr. Abhisak Chulya, Chair, Asia & Pacific Internet Association (APIA)
Professor Suguru Yamaguchi, Chair, APRICOT 2005 Japan Executive Committee
C-PL-2 9:10-9:50
- Session Title:
IPv6 Activities in China
This presentation provides the IPv6 activities in China, including three aspects:
research, deployment, and application. The research on IPv6 are conducted by the academic institutions such as universities,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, BII and so on.
The large scale deployment of IPv6 was initiated by the joint efforts of 8 departments of the Government and executed by main ISPs in China.
Applications for IPv6 environment is tightly related to some other projects such as APAN, GLORIAD, with the cooperation of other countries such as US, Japan, EU countries, Russia, Korea and so on.
- Plenary Speaker:
presentation (2.04MB)
Professor Qian Hualin
Computer Network Information Center
Chinese Academy of Sciences
C-PL-3 9:50-10:30
- Session Title:
APRICOT Plenary -
- Plenary Speaker:
presentation (4.33MB)
John Harper
Vice President, IP Routing
Cisco Systems
C1 Internet Telephony(full-day 9:00-17:30)
- Track Coordination:
Asia Pacific ENUM Engineering Team (APEET)
APEET is an informal technical project team formed to coordinate and synergize ENUM activitiesin the Asia Pacific region.
Its membership is made up ofindividuals from the following five organizations:
[CNNIC] (China Network Information Center), [JPRS] (Japan Registry Service), [KRNIC] (Korea Network Information Center),
[SGNIC] (Singapore Network Information Center) and [TWNIC] (Taiwan Network Information Center) .
The one-day track is designed to educate participants on the basic concepts and underlying technologies involved in ENUM and SIP
as well as introducing potential applications and deployment status in the Asia Pacific region.
C1-1 11:00-12:30
- Session Title:
Introduction to ENUM and VoIP
- Session Description:
- Session Speakers:
- Welcome Address
- James Seng, APEET Chair
- Convergence in Metro Area Networks (MANs)
presentation (1.47MB)
Randall Atkinson
Chief Scientist, Extreme Networks
This presentation will discuss how and why telephony and video services are combining with traditional data services in converged networks,
with a focus on metropolitan area networks (MANs) deployed by service providers.
The initial discussion is of the reasons for network convergence and what exactly we mean by network convergence.
Then we talk about how the network design and network engineering need to evolve to support data, telephony/voice,
and video/television on a single shared network infrastructure.
This section will discuss specific existing technologies and standards, as well as emerging technologies and standards.
Guidance on network design and deployment will be provided for network engineers.
Deployment and other operational considerations will be discussed for the benefit of network operations staff.
- ENUM in Austria -
A status report of the first commercial ENUM implementation.
presentation (256KB)
Richard Stasny
Senior Analyst, OeFEG/Telekom Austria
The Austrian ENUM implementation for CC +43 is in commercial operation since December 2004.
This presentation gives a snapshot of the current status and experiences,
including legal, regulatory and contractual background, entities involved, number ranges and validation methods used.
C1-2 14:00-15:30
- Session Title:
IP Telephony Deployment
- Session Description:
- Session Speakers:
- Security for VoIP networks
presentation (121KB)
Jim Reid, MODA
VoIP technology offers much in the way of cost savings and new services for both enterprises and service providers.
However with the introduction of this technology there is a greater scope to disrupt services through attacks on VoIP infrastructure such as media gateways, softswitches and endpoints.
This presentation will provide an overview of the most open vulnerabilities in VoIP networks, and some of the techniques and designs to secure them.
presentation (2.05MB)
Andy Leung, Juniper Networks
presentation (1.64MB)
Hirohide Ogawa, Hitachi Cable Ltd.
presentation (123KB)
Gaurab Raj Upadhaya, PCH NET
C1-3 16:00-17:30
- Session Title:
ENUM/SIP Deployment Status
- Session Description:
Brief deployment status updates from the regional economies represented within APEET.
- Session Speakers:
presentation (77KB)
Sheldon Lee, CNNIC
presentation (350KB)
Hiro Hotta, JPRS
presentation (253KB)
Dickson Loh, Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
presentation (661KB)
Nai-Wen Hsu, TWNIC
C2 Internet Exchange Points and Peering (full-day 9:00-17:30)
- Track Coordination:
Gaurab Raj Upadhaya, Packet Clearing House
Bill Woodcock
Bill Norton, Equinix
C2-1 11:00-12:30
- Session Title:
IX Operators Wish List Session
- Session Description:
As part of the peering and interconnection track,
this session will talk about different switching technologies used at major Internet Exchange Points.
In other words, we have some of the major IX operators presenting what they are currently doing with regards to meeting their needs,
and what would they want from switch vendors in future.
In addition, With so many IX operators from all over the world present at APRICOT 2005,
we will be able to discuss the latest in switching technologies and see where we are heading.
- Session Speakers:
presentation (1.25MB)
Kurt Erik Lindqvist
Managing Director, Netnod Internet Exchange
presentation (599KB)
Gavin Tweedie
Technical Manager, Western Australia Internet Association
presentation (2.09MB)
Henk Steenman
presentation (307KB)
Shinji Morikawa
Internet Multifeed Co.
C2-2 14:00-15:30
- Session Title:
Issues and Trends in IXP Operations
- Session Description:
This 90-minute panel session will feature 3-4 prominent speakers with regional and/or global IXP operations experience,
and will address new challenges and opportunities in running a neutral interconnection facility today.
10Gbps interconnections, multi-site operations, IPv6 peering, IXP performance metrics, and other critical issues will be addressed.
- Session Speakers:
Bill Woodcock, PCH NET
Josh Snowhorn, Terremark Nap of the America
Gavin Wallace Tweedie, West Australia Internet Association
Peter Schoenmaker, NTT Communication
presentation (41KB)
Steve Glibbard, Packet Clearing House
C2-3 16:00-17:30
- Session Title:
Asia Pacific Peering Ecosystem Updates
- Session Description:
At the APRICOT 2004 Asia Pacific Peering Track, Peering Coordinators shared their experiences peering across the Asia Pacific Region,
highlighting great variabilities from a deployment and operations perspective.
We asked them to share what they found counter-intuitive, unexpected, or particularly challenging as they expanded their networks into new countries.
These lessons learned were documented in the Session Moderators "The Asia Pacific Peering Ecosystem" white paper (freely available from wbn@equinix.com).
This session is a continuation of the APRICOT 2004 Asia Pacific Peering Track.
We have selected three speakers that have built into or within the Asia Pacific region and will highlight the differences building and operating in (many) different countries.
These differences are not necessarily good or bad, but rather things that others expanding into Asia should prepare for.
- Session Speakers:
presentation (1.71MB)
Hyun-Bae Han
Director, Overseas Internet Planning Division
International Network Planning & Management Team
Network Group, KT Corporation
presentation (338KB)
Eriko Sugisaki
Peering Coordinator
KDDI Corporation
presentation (172KB)
Nigel Titley
Commercial Peering Manager
Flag Telecom
C3 AP IPv6 Summit(full-day 9:00-17:30 ; day 2 continued on 24 February)
- Track Coordination:
Asia Pacific IPv6 Task Force
The AP IPv6 Task Force is comprised of representatives of national IPv6 promotion bodies from ten Asia Pacific region economies.
The task Force is active in developing general deploymentand transition guidelines,
sharing regional and local IPv6 strategies and investigating and publicizing IPv6 deployment status throughout the region.
C3-1 11:00-12:30
- Session Title:
APNIC IPv6 Technical SIG
- Session Description:
The charter of the IPv6 Technical SIG is to share information on IPv6 deployment around the region and to review technical and engineering issues relating to IPv6.
SIG Chair: Kazu Yamamoto, Internet Initiative Japan (IIJ)/ WIDE Project
Co-Chair: Jun Murai, Keio University/ WIDE Project
- Session Speakers:
see the 19th APNIC Open Policy Meeting site for more detail.
C3-2 14:00-15:30
- Session Title:
IPv6 Organizational Updates
- Session Description:
This sessions will provide a series of brief 10 min. updates on the current status of IPv6 related issues as various related groups/organizations
(JPNIC, /43, IETF, IPv6 Promotion Council of Japan, Diffusion Metrics, JPRS, IPv6 Ready Logo Program, IPv6 Transition WG etc.)
- Session Speakers:
- JPRS Update
presentation (136KB)
Hiro Hotta
Director, Corporate Planning
- IPv6 Ready Logo Program Update
presentation (138KB)
Hiroshi Miyata
TAHI Project Leader
Yokogawa Electric Corporation
- IETF Update
presentation (55KB)
Tomohiro Fujisaki
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
- Domestic and International Strategies of the IPv6 Promotion Council
Kensuke Yasue
IPv6 Business Development Group, E-Government Research Center
Mitsubishi Research Institute
- IPv6 Diffusion Metrics/IPv6 Promotion Council Transition WG Update
presentation (109KB)
Takashi Arano
CTO, InetCore
Chair, IPv6 Deployment Committee, IAjapan
- JPNIC Update
presentation (111KB)
Toshiyuki Hosaka
IP Business Group, Japan Network Information Center
C3-3 16:00-17:30
- Session Title:
IPv6 Technical Session
- Session Description:
A technical session covering the latest trends and issues in IPv6.
Areas to be covered include WLAN-CDMA, Firewall/Security and Qos/Multicast.
- Session Speakers:
presentation (3.32MB)
Fumio Watanabe
General Manager,
Wireless Broadband System Development Department
"au" Technology Division, KDDI Corporation
presentation (27KB)
Shinsuke Suzuki
Hitachi Ltd.
presentation (1.00MB)
Tadahisa Okimoto
Business Solutions Division, NTT West
Thursday, 24 February
C5 Internet Routing and Backbone Operations(full-day 9:00-17:30)
- Track Coordination:
Ananth Nagarajan, Juniper Networks
C5-1 9:00-10:30
- Session Title:
Network Architectures for Emerging Services
- Session Description:
As IP-based networks are being increasingly used to support multiservice needs,
it is important to architect backbones appropriately to carry these services in an optimal manner.
Emerging services include multimedia, broadband, metro ethernet and wireless services.
This session will cover some architectural considerations for such services.
Voice and Video Done Economically(30 min.)
A new category of IP networking equipment, called flow-based routers,
now promise the same sort of performance guarantees as traditional voice and video networks based on TDM, Frame Relay and ATM.
I examine the economics of introducing new premium services over an IP network that had the predictability of TDM, Frame or ATM, versus how it's done today.
Broadband/Metro Network Architectures (30 min.)
Metro broadband network can deliver a variety of services to the home and businesses.
This tutorial discusses the architectural options for delivering high quality video, voice, and Internet services to the home;
and how VPN services can be offered with tight Service Level Agreement to the businesses.
What Metro access technology, security and Quality of Service mechanism are needed to offer these services?
Architecture for WiMAX applications (30 min.)
WiMax offer operators a new option to deliever broadband services over both licences and unlicenced radio spectrum.
Initial deployments are based on 802.16a-2004 for fixed broadband, however 802.16e once ratified will allow for portable Internet and wireless broadband roaming.
This presentation will explain WiMax network architectures, and cover topics including routing design,
protocol stacks, roaming and handover and IP service delivery.
- Session Speakers:
presentation (748KB)
Joe Neil Caspian Networks
presentation (1.89MB)
Lim Wong Consulting System Engineer Cisco Systems
presentation (5.23MB)
Robert Healey Juniper Networks
C5-2 11:00-12:30
- Session Title:
Operating Multiservice Networks
- Session Description:
CoS Design for Multiservice Networks (30 min.)
This 30 minute presentation examines the requirements for designing effective class of service (CoS)
i8n multiservice networks that carry concurrent voice, video, and data traffic.
The presentation then examines the CoS building blocks such as classification mechanisms, queue design, queue servicing schemes,
and congestion avoidance mechanisms and how these are configured to meet the requirements of a multiservice network.
RFC 2547 Convergence Techniques (30 min.)
In the context of RFC2547-based VPN's, we analyze the loss of connectivity caused by the following failures:
core link, core node, PE node, PE-CE link, CE node. We explain how this is optimized with recent technological improvements and network design techniques.
The content of the presentation is supported by extensive lab characterization.
This work is part of a wider project focusing on improving network convergence.
High Availability Techniques (30 min.)
The IP networking industry is requiring greater reliability from its networks and equipment as it seeks to accommodate TDM-based services.
This tutorial will introduce participants to the methods and technologies of 99.999% reliability in routed networks.
- Session Speakers:
presentation (95KB)
Jeff Doyle
Senior Network Architect Juniper Networks
presentation (179KB)
Clarence Filsfils
Cisco Systems
presentation (2.28MB)
Matt Kolon
Juniper Networks
C5-3 14:00-15:30
- Session Title:
Backbone Routing and Security Techniques
- Session Description:
This session will cover emerging technologies for network operations - including routing techniques and security
for backbone networks.
Multi-topology Routing (30 min.)
The presentation focuses on Multitopology Routing (MTR), which is a new a new dimension to the Destination based routing.
The session introduces the concepts and provides deployment basics for this new technology.
Securing the Backbone (30 min.)
This talk will present methods for ensuring the security of the router infrastructure which forms the core of data networks.
We will present examples of attacks, and of operational problems which can occur as side effects of attacks.
We will then outline technologies and best practices which protect against these attacks and prevent associated operational problems.
Service Provider Case Study (30 min.)
<to be finalized>
- Session Speakers:
presentation (820KB)
Danny McPherson Director of Business Development Arbor Networks
presentation (886KB)
Ross Callon Distinguished Engineer Juniper Networks
presentation (1.00MB)
Geoff Huston APNIC
C5-4 16:00-17:30
- Session Title:
Tools and Best Current Practices
- Session Description:
In this session, there will be presentations about tools and techniques to assist in network operations,
as well as best current practices used in operating networks.
Using Route Registry and Related Tools for Configuring Routers(30 min.)
Internet Routing Registry is a public repository of routing policy information.
Describing your policy using RPSL enables for scalable, consistent, platform-independent and automated creation of filters or router configuration files.
The presentation will introduce interesting features of RPSL, tools for utilising and generating Routing Registry information, and related services and projects of the RIPE NCC.
Best Current Practices to Determine Traffic Matrices in IP Networks (30 min.)
Knowledge of the amount of traffic between source and destination pairs of a network is crucial to fundamental operational tasks like capacity planning,
traffic engineering, and peering management.
Router vendors, third parties, and academic researchers, and ingenious network engineers have devised multiple ways of collecting and estimating traffic matrices.
This talk presents an overview of applications of traffic matrices and operational experiences with the various approaches including Netflow based methods,
mathematical estimation models, and MPLS (both RSVP and LDP) methods. Emphasis will be on practical experiences with each method.
- Session Speakers:
presentation (7.29MB)
Vach Kompella
IP Networks Division, Alcatel
presentation (105KB)
Vesna Manojlovic Advanced Courses Trainer, RIPE-NCC
presentation (884KB)
Thomas Telkamp Director of Network Consulting, Cariden Technologies, Inc.
C6 Security(full-day 9:00-17:30)
- Track Coordination:
Track Coordination is shared by:
APCERT (Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team)
APCERT is a coalition of CSIRTs (Computer Security Incident Response Teams) from 12 economies across the Asia Pacific region.
APCAUCE (Asia Pacific Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email)
http://www.apcauce.org/ APCAUCE is the Asia Pacific wing of CAUCE, the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email
(http://www.cauce.org). CAUCE is the world's largest volunteer antispam organization, with chapters in the USA,
Canada, the EU and over a dozen economies in the Asia Pacific region.
APCAUCE approaches the growing problem of spam in the Asia Pacific region with a three pronged strategy combining technical, policy and legislative solutions.
C6-1 9:00-10:30
- Session Title:
APSIRC - "Incident Trend & Analysis"
- Session Description:
The main topic of this session is "computer crime."
Presentations include statistics and analysis on computer network attacks (i.e. phishing) and trends of professional cyber security crimes from some economies in the Asia Pacific region.
- Session Speakers:
- 9:00-9:30 Where is the way out for stop phishing
- This presentation talks about the various phishing techniques;
the phishing incidents that CNCERT/CC handled;
trend analysis about phishing; proposals on handling phishing incidents.
- Speaker:
presentation (540KB)
Dr. Du Yuejin, Division Chief of CNCERT/CC
- 9:30-10:00 Trends in Japan
- Speaker:
presentation (23KB)
Yurie Ito, JPCERT/CC
- 10:00-10:30 Online Identity Theft
- A presentation on the current trojan activity related to Internet Banking - the use of spam, trojans and spyware.
The impact and the response.
- Speaker:
- Graham Ingram, General Manager AusCERT
C6-2 11:00-12:30
- Session Title:
APSIRC - "Early Warning"
- Session Description:
Some presentations about early warning.
- Session Speakers:
- 11:00-11:30 Vulnerability Handling
- A presentation on the activities of the Microsoft Security Team.
- Speaker:
presentation (1.36MB)
Meng-Chow Kang, CISSP, CISA
Chief Security & Privacy Advisor, Microsoft Asia Pacific
- 11:30-11:50 Traffic Monitoring 1
- "A Worldwide Distributed Platform to Study Internet Threats"
The talk introduces Eurecom's Project.
- Speaker:
presentation (2.14MB)
Marc Dacier, Eurecom
- 11:50-12:30 Traffic Monitoring 2
- "Traffic Monitoring - MyCERT Experience"
The presentation will focus on sharing MyCERT's experience in traffic monitoring which will address among others the architecture of the system,
the technology and method used and types of information monitored which could be the basis of data sharing among the APCERT members.
i.e. Traffic profiling based on the aggregation on certain traffic characteristics such as protocols, ports, 'success and failures' and traffic volumes.
Lessons learned and future research will also be discussed.
Speaker: Solahuddin Shamsuddin, MyCERT
"The Portal Site of the Traffic Monitoring"
Every economies in the world are looking for a reasonable methodology to predict incidents and estimate the impact the incidents will affect within their own constituency.
Moreover, they want to know if the incidents are happening in other countries or provinces having similar computer environment, which is to give a proper alerts to the public timely.
A portal site that gathers information of traffic monitoring from various economies is a good idea to satisfy those requirements.
At the first stage, sending data with ssh protocol and IODEF format and recording the data into the database are essential to get the statistics we want.
For this portal site project, the initiatives should think about not only the way of gathering traffic data of domestic, but also what kind of data they will collect.
Is sending traffic data to other CERT a critical problem?
Open mind and have a look at the contents of the data to send, then you will think in a different way.
Speaker: Jungu Kang, KrCERT
- Speakers:
presentation (794KB)
"Traffic Monitoring - MyCERT Experience"
Solahuddin Shamsuddin, MyCERT
presentation (1.09MB)
"The Portal Site of the Traffic Monitoring"
Jungu Kang, KrCERT
C6-3 14:00-15:30
- Session Title:
Presentation on "Tracking a Zombie Army"
- Session Description:
A presentation on tracking a zombie botnet using DNS views and honeypots, and an analysis of the botnet's attempted activities.
- Session Speakers:
presentation (114KB)
James Lick
Chair of the Asia Pacific Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email
C6-4 16:00-17:30
- Session Title:
Panel Discussion on "IETF reputation, authentication and other anti-spam proposals"
- Session Description:
Most protection against problematic email has requires directly analyzing its content.
Another line of counter-attack is to assess its source.
A first step in assessment is authenticating the "sender", to create realistic accountability.
The second step is to conduct deeper analysis of their email performance.
So far, authentication has involved informal use of the sender's IP Address. Although it appears that IP Addresses will remain a component of the authentication efforts, numerous proposals suggest more elaborate schemes.
In addition, the concept of "sender" actually involves several different agents for email transfer.
Hence, different proposals assess different address fields.
This session will survey those proposals and explore their administrative and operational impact and efficacy.
- Session Speakers:
presentation (53KB)
presentation (44KB)
David Crocker
Principal, Brandenburg Internet Working
presentation (2.50MB)
presentation (0.99MB)
Meng Wong
Founder, CTO, pobox.com
Jim Fenton
presentation (228KB)
Distinguished Engineer, Cisco Systems
C3 AP IPv6 Summit(full-day 9:00-17:30 ; continuation of 23 February Track)
- Track Coordination:
Asia Pacific IPv6 Task Force
The AP IPv6 Task Force is comprised of representatives of national IPv6 promotion bodies from ten Asia Pacific region economies.
The task Force is active in developing general deployment and transition guidelines,
sharing regional and local IPv6 strategies and investigating and publicizing IPv6 deployment status throughout the region.
C3-4 9:00-10:30
- Session Title:
Regional Update I
- Session Description:
An Update on National IPv6 Initiatives underway in NE Asia.
- Session Speakers:
presentation (6.68MB)
JaeHo Lee
NCA, Korea
presentation (3.75MB)
Reen-Cheng Wang
National Dong Hwa University
NICI IPv6 Steering Committee, Taiwan
presentation (3.92MB)
Takuya Miyoshi
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan
C3-5 11:00-12:30
- Session Title:
Regional Update II
- Session Description:
An Update on IPv6 Initiatives and deployment status in SE Asia.
10-15 min. focused reports on status/initiatives/players/barriers/ on a country level.
- Session Speakers:
presentation (995KB)
Winston Seah
Networking Department, Communications & Devices Division
Institute for Infocomm Research (Member of A*STAR), Singapore
presentation (310KB)
Sinchai Kamolphiwong
Associate Professor, Prince of Songkla University
C3-6 14:00-15:30
- Session Title:
Business Development and Applications
- Session Description:
A presentation of a group ofdetailed case studies on Business Applications.
- Session Speakers:
presentation (2.54MB)
Noriaki Fujiwara
Senior Staff Researcher, Systems Technology Research Laboratory
Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd.
presentation (873KB)
Ichiro Morihara
Executive Director, Research and Development Center
NTT West Corporation
presentation (534KB)
Marc Blanchet
CTO, Hexago
Steering Committee, North American IPv6 Task Force
C3-7 16:00-17:30
- Session Title:
Panel Session - APIPv6TF Follow Up
- Session Description:
Panelists representing the Task Force (TF) member countries will discuss progress over the first year of TF operations.
The panel will review reports from the three TF WG's and a discuss regional issues and collaborative strategies.
- Session Speakers:
presentation (274KB)
Sam Lee
National Computerization Agency
Winston Seah
Networking Department, Communications & Devices Division
Institute for Infocomm Research (Member of A*STAR), Singapore
presentation (336KB)
presentation (79KB)
presentation (42KB)
Takashi Arano
CTO, InetCore
Chair, IPv6 Deployment Committee, IAjapan
Han-Chieh Chao
Professor & Chair
Department of Electrical Engineering
National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan
Deputy Director, R&D Division
NICI IPv6 Steering Committee, Taiwan
Last modified 22-March-2005 | Copyright (C) 2004-2005 APRICOT 2005 Japan Executive Committee. All Rights Reserved.