BoF Meetings
Informal BoF (Birds of a Feather) sessions will take place on the evenings of 21-23 Febraury.
BoF's attendance is free of charge to all APRICOT registrants.
Advance registration for BoF session is not required.
Monday February 21
Tuesday February 22
Wednesday February 23
BOF Details
B1 Native Names Promotion Seminar
21 February 18:00-21:00
- Abstract:
Native Names or Keywords have been deployed widely in many countries and found to be very successful especially in China, Korea, Japna and Thailand.
It also has been shown to create a tremendous social impact on Internet Society in that country or language.
This seminar will pay more attention on this social impact issue and how to promote Native Names in your native language.
We have invited key players in this area to make keynote speech to inform how it has been promoted successfully and how much impact it has on its own society.
For more information, please contact Eunjin Seo <ejseo at cosmos.kaist.ac.kr> or visit
B2 Security BoF I:Joint NSP-SEC/INOC-DBA BoF
21 February 18:00-19:30
Dylan Greene and Gaurab Raj Upadhaya
- Outline:
Security incidents are a daily event for Internet Service Providers.
Attacks on an ISP's customers, attacks from an ISP's customer, worms, BOTNETs, and attacks on the ISP's infrastructure are now one of many
"security" NOC tickets through out the day.
This increase in the volume and intensity of attacks has forced ISP's to spend constrained resources to mitigate the effects of these attacks on their operations and services.
This investment has helped minimize the effects of the attacks, but it has not helped stop them at the source. Stopping attacks at their source requires rapid and effective inter-ISP cooperation.
Hence, these ISP Security BOFs are also used as a face-to-face syncup meeting for the NSP-SEC forum (see https://puck.nether.net/mailman/listinfo/nsp-security.)
The first NSP-SEC BoF I was held last year at Apricot in Kuala Lumpur.
INOC-DBA (Inter-NOC Dial-by-ASN ) hotline phone system connects the network operations centers of network operators around the world in a closed VOIP system.
The system's name is derived from the fact that the dial plan employs the AS Numbers of the participating organizations.
To call the network operations center of another carrier or ISP, a user simply picks up the phone and dials their AS Number, which rings straight through to the other network's NOC or specific individuals there.
The INOC-DBA hotline system has been in production use since October, 2002, but undergoes continuous development and refinement.
There are currently about 500 ISPs and carriers connected to the system, throughout the world; in fact, in January of 2003, the INOC-DBA phone system became the first single telephone network of any sort to reach all seven continents.
More recent developments have included cryptographic authentication of user's telephones, and a self-provisioning web interface for participant organizations.
The BoF will look into receiving feedback on the new provisioning system and invite suggestion.
A similiar BoF at RIPE 49 in Manchester was a huge success and thus the effort to do it in the AP region.
If you would like to contribute to the BOF, please send email to <dylan@juniper.net> or <gaurab@lahai.com>.
B4 Security BoF II:
Security for IP Network Infrastructure and Prevention of DoS attacks
22 February 18:00-19:30
Ross William Callon and Paul Quinn
- Outline:
The IETF is defining operational security requirements for the infrastructure of IP networks.
The goal is to codify knowledge about feature sets to securely deploy and operate routers and switches.
This talk will outline the IETF effort, will provide examples of attacks and associated network problems, and will show how these provide the required capabilities.
We will discuss project goals, status, example requirements and will encourage participation and talk about how people can participate in the IETF effort.
During this BoF we will also cover the ever present and increasing problem of denial of service.
We will start with a review of the current state of DoS attacks moving to an open discussion of detection and mitigation techniques and examine future trends and technologies such as rapid quarantine and advanced network telemetry.
B6 APOPS (Asia Pacific OperatorS Forum)
Tuesday 22 February, 18:00-19:00
- Co-chairs:
Philip Smith (Cisco Systems Inc) and Hideo Ishii (Asia Global Crossing)
- Description:
The Asia Pacific Operators Forum (APOPS) provides an opportunity for members of the Internet community with a shared interest to meet informally and exchange ideas.
APOPS was established as a mailing list for ISP operations engineers as early as 1996.
With the growth of the Internet in the region, the first APOPS meetings were held as part of the APNIC annual members meeting in 2000.
Since then APOPS meetings have been held during the annual APRICOT conference and the mid-year APNIC meeting.
B7 IPv6 Fix BOF (for comfortable browsing on the dual-stack environment)
23 February 17:30-19:30
- Organization:
The WIDE project
- Description:
When you are using IPv6 in daily life, you may meet problems as web browsing gets very slow.
Though 99% of IPv6 is well designed and deployed, 1% flaw would give bad impression to users.
In this BOF, we will introduce an activity, called "IPv6 Fix", to fix the flaw.
This activity including fixing specification of the on-link assumption, improving implementation of DNS server and resolvers, measuring quality of IPv6 and ICMPv6 and so on.
B8 Asia Pacific Peering BOF
23 February 17:30-19:30
- BoF Abstract:
The Peering Birds Of a Feather session provides a forum for Peering Coordinators to meet each other with the goal of
establishing peering relationships. We will use a well established technique to facilitate peering: Peering Personals.
Participating Peering Coordinators will complete and email the form below to the Peering BOF Faciliator in advance of the BOF.
Peering Coordinators will have two minutes at the BOF to introduce themselves, their networks,
where they currently peer and where they intend to be peering in the next several months, a little bit about what they require of potential peers and what they are looking for in a peering candidate.
On the projector screen behind the Peering Coordinator as hey speak will be the peering information they provided in advance:
Peering Coordinator contact information, AS#, peering locations, etc.
This will allow the audience of Peering Coordinators to write down the relevant information,
put a face to a company name, facilitating peering conversations that immediately follow the peering introductions.
This has proven to be a very effective way for people to identify the Peering Coordinators they most need to speak with about peering.
Peering Coordinators who would like to participate in Peering Introductions should e-mail the following information to
wbn@equinix.com no later than Jan 28, 2005.:
1) |
Name: _____________________ |
2) |
Company:__________________ |
3) |
AS#: _____________________ |
4) |
Email Address: ________________ |
5) |
Peering Locations Taday: __________________ |
6) |
Peering Locations in the next 3-6 months: ________________ |
7) |
Is your network more Content-Heavy or Access-Heavy ? |
8) |
Do you source/sink more than 1Gbps of traffic? |
9) |
Do you require Contracts for Peering? |
10) |
Do you have an "Open Peering Policy (meaning you will peer with anyone in any single location)?"
Do you have a "Selective Peering Policy (meaning you will peer but have some prerequisites that must be met first)?"
Do you have "Restrictive Peering Policy (meaning you generally will not peer with anybody else)?" |
To participate in the Peering Introductions section of the Peering BOF please email the above questions with your answers and email to
wbn@equinix.com with the Subject: APRICOT 2005 Peering BOF by Jan 28.
Everyone is of course welcome to attend the Peering BOF, but participation priority is given to those who provide the above information in a timely manner.
- Session Speakers:
Peering Coordinators in attendence.
Last modified 07-February-2005 | Copyright (C) 2004-2005 APRICOT 2005 Japan Executive Committee. All Rights Reserved.