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Internet Service Providers of India (ISPAI) and National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI) are co-hosting the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies (APRICOT) 2012 in New Delhi, India. This is the first time an APRICOT will be held in South Asia. The organizers are expecting 600-800 participants from across the Asia Pacific to attend.
The APRICOT (Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies) is a prestigious regional event of the ICT industry, which began in 1996. APRICOT has provided a unique and successful educational forum for Internet builders in the region to learn from their peers and other leaders in the Internet community from around the world. APRICOT has now clearly established itself as the Asia Pacific’s premier regional Internet Summit where related organizations come together to meet and host their annual general meetings, including APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Centre), APIA (Asia Pacific Internet Association), APTLD (Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Forum), APCAUCE (Asia Pacific Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email), and APstar.
Held annually, the ten-day long summit consists of seminars, workshops, tutorials, conference sessions, birds-of-a-feather (BOFs), and other forums all with the goal of spreading and sharing the knowledge required to operate the Internet within the Asia Pacific region.
For more details on APRICOT, please visit www.apricot.net
Asia & Pacific Internet Association (APIA), established in 1997, is a non-profit trade association that promotes the business interests of the Internet-related service industry in the Asia Pacific region. Its mission is to ensure the future and stability of APRICOT, to build human resource infrastructure for the Internet and to foster the efficient, stable, and sustainable development of the Internet in the Asia Pacific region.
APIA is now committed to the stabilization of the APRICOT operation and continues to play a key role in educating and training Internet operators in the Asia Pacific region. APIA achieves these goals by providing and promoting educational opportunities by hosting, endorsing, or co-organizing conferences, seminars, forums, workshops, and other training events.
For more details on APIA, please visit www.apia.org
APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Centre) is an open, membership-based, not-for-profit organization. It is one of five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) charged with ensuring the fair distribution and responsible management of IP addresses and related resources. These resources are required for the stable and reliable operation of the global Internet. As part of this service, the APNIC Secretariat is responsible for maintaining the public APNIC Whois Database and managing reverse DNS zone delegations.
APNIC is also actively involved in the development of Internet infrastructure throughout the region. This includes providing training and education services, supporting technical activities such as root server deployments, and collaborating with other regional and international organizations.
For more details on APNIC, please visit www.apnic.net
SANOG was was established to bring South Asian operators together for educational and cooperation purposes. SANOG provides a regional forum to discuss operational issues and technologies of interest to data operators in the South Asian Region. The main objective is educational, but the forum also gives vendors a chance to talk to engineers about new technology and products. Engineers can share experiences to benefit the entire community. This non-commercial networking forum is aligned with established practices such as NANOG in North America, RIPE Meetings in Europe and APRICOT in Asia. SANOG 19 is held in conjunction with APRICOT 2012
For more details on SANOG, please visit www.sanog.org
The Internet Service Providers Association of lndia (lSPAl) was set up in 1998 with a mission to 'Promote lnternet/Broadband for the benefit of all'. ISPAI is the collective voice of the lSP fraternity and by extension the entire lnternet community. Over the years, ISPAI has helped influence, shape, and mould the Indian Internet landscape, so that Internet entrepreneurs can grow their businesses and services in an environment that is supportive and enabling.
ISPAI works closely with the Indian Government, regulators and major industry associations and chambers. ISPAI frequently interacts with international bodies and platforms and as a consultant on measures for future trends and Internet growth.
For more details on ISPAI, please visit www.ispai.in
The National Internet Exchange of lndia (NIXI) is a not-for-profit organization established in 2003. lts main purpose is to facilitate the handing over of domestic lnternet traffic between peering ISP members. NIXI allows Internet bandwidth to be more efficiently used across India. NlXl is managed and operated on a neutral basis and is aligned with global Internet best practices.
NlXl currently has nine NOCs in New Delhi (Noida), Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mohati, Lucknow, and Ahmedabad. NlXl has sponsored three root servers (l, K, & F) at Mumbai, Delhi, and Chennai. The Indian Government authorized NlXl as the .lN Registry since January 2005.
For more details on NIXI, please visit www.nixi.in