Transcript: Closing Ceremony
Due to the difficulties capturing a live speaker's words, it is possible this transcript may contain errors and mistranslations. APNIC accepts no liability for any event or action resulting from the transcripts.
Hong Kong.
24 February 2011.
4:00 pm to 5:30 pm.
Closing ceremony.
Desiree Ho: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome once again to APRICOT-APAN 2011. It's very nice to see all of you once again and we hope you have been enjoying yourself at the conference so far.
I'm Desiree, one of the NetMission ambassadors.
Lily Kung: I am Lily, also one of the NetMission ambassadors. Desiree, how have you found the conference so far?
Desiree Ho: I'm sure you will agree with me that it has truly be an hon tour to meet and learn from so many bright minds from all over the world, from all kinds of backgrounds and expertise. Yes, indeed, the internet itself is a global collaboration and that's why APRICOT-APAN would not have been possible without all of your support and participation.
Desiree Ho: Yes, and as the first ever collaboration between operational technologies from APRICOT and advanced networks from APAN, it has indeed been a very unique and successful collaboration for the Asia Pacific internet community.
Lily Kung Kung: It is very exciting to see internet builders from all over the world, getting together to learn, exchange from peers and leaders in the internet community.
So now, we would like to invite Prof Wu Jane pin, Chairman of the APAN, to say a few words for us.
Prof Wu please.
Jianping Wu: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
We are happy to see this big event get very success.
Now it is going to end. This is the last major session for this conference.
I would like to thank you for all, again, but including DotAsia, Internet Society of Hong Kong ^, Internet Exchange in Hong Kong, Hong Kong ISP Association and the we also have so many sponsors there. Thank you very much. Give them a big hand.
Jianping Wu: Right now, let me introduce our honourable keynote speaker, David Lambert. David Lambert is president and CEO of Internet2. Priority joining Internet2, Lambert was the first Vice-President for information service and Chief Information Officer at Georgetown University, holding the VP and CEO position since early 1998.
Lambert has successfully moved the university forward, the strategy application of information technology, university program and service.
Lambert was Georgetown University from another university, where he served as Vice-President for information technology from 1994 through to 1997 ^.
And as director of network service from 1989 through 1983.
David Lambert leadership effort has focused on the deployment of advanced technology infrastructure, model information system, critical technology response service ^. Today he give us the topics he give us is Internet2 creating bridge for global research and education.
Please, David.
David Lambert: Well, thank you very much for the kind words, Prof Wu and it is a pleasure to be here in Hong Kong, to participate in your ground breaking joint meeting.
It seems to have been a very, very exciting meeting, as I speak with people in the hallways, and go to the meetings.
So I would like to particularly thank the teams from APAN, APRICOT and APNIC for inviting me here to speak with you today.
I'm going to get my slide show working here for you.
Internet2 has been a partner with those of you in Asia in the development of the advanced internet for many, many years. I think what I would like to do for you today, here with you, in the context of the partnership that we have, as all good friends and partners should do, it's important that we keep each other up to date and informed about our ambitions and our plans and so what I thought you might find useful today is to get a sense of what Internet2's priorities are. This is a very important sort of moment for Internet2 and for advanced networking in the United States.
Certainly it's an auspicious for us to be changing leadership. I'm the second CEO and president of Internet2. Many of you worked for many yearing for Doug van howling as our founding president and Chief Executive Officer.
Bus it's a very important time because there's so confronting us and many challenges as well. What I want to do a bit today was to talk about that, but to talk about that in a sort of a very special way, focused on how that is all impacted and driven by the enormous changes in our world, in these last, you know, particularly, I think, over the last decade, but certainly starting well before that.
It would be appropriate, I think, to say and probably a bit of an understatement, that for Internet2 and the members of Internet2, globalisation is changing our members missions and strategy across the board, from our university higher education members to our members from industry who have been actively involved in the development and growth of Internet2.
You know, what used to be national institutions of higher education in the United States have now become global by default. Institutional measures of reputation and rankings are in flux, we recruit students on a global basis. There's an enormous amount of international texture to the job of being a researcher and a faculty member in our institutions now. Our research projects are extremely linked.
But if you look on other fronts, the large scale, the whole nature of science has changed. It's changed from what we always called sort of small research team individual investigator science to what we now call big or collaborative science.
That collaborative science is global in infrastructure. There are very few large-scale science facilities that can actually, that are and can actually be built now by a single nation.
The cost of exploring the science domains that are yet to be understood, because they're large and their complex and their deep problems are expensive and when science gets expensive, you need as many investors as you can.
We have seen those science facilities become global, if you look at, you know, in physics, the Large Hadron Collider, while build in CERN, has enormous national participation, we have large-scale transfers of research data across boundaries.
Essentially, science, research and now increasingly education, are no longer bound by geographic or political boundaries.
Nothing is a better testimony to that than this meeting and the level of collaboration and the degree to which when you go into the meetings, that are part of the this conference, you recognise that we are all working together to address the same challenges. In many cases, in support of the same user communities who are collaborating and therefore, the imperative for those of us in the advanced networking research and education networking is that we must build strong bridges between international partners and collaborators.
Because of these impacts, globalisation is changing Internet2's mission, strategy and focus and I suspect that that can be said for all of you who are involved in the development of research and education networks in Asia.
So we have seen and will see a significant shift in our focus, as we move forward. Almost every element of that, in some way or other, touching at the global level and impacting the global level.
So I want to talk just very briefly about the areas of focus for Internet2 over what I think will be the next three, five, seven years. I doubt if anything I say here will be at all different than what you are addressing within your own national arenas, so we at Internet2 have seven primary priorities, moving forward. The first and foremost for us is where we have always been and that is, you know, working on continuing to advance the state of networking and network services leadership.
We have this extraordinary opportunity in the United States, as a result of what is the first large scale and significant investment of United States Government funding in our research and education network, that will allow us, over the next three years, mostly in the next two years, to build out a network infrastructure that goes beyond that that we have been able to have in the United States for a long time.
This new network project is roughly US$100 million project with extraordinary participation and leverage from a number of our commercial members and partners that will deploy 15,000 new miles of optical fibre IRUs, which combined with about 2500 miles of a network that exists that serves the north western part of the United States, creates an 18,000 mile owned IRU based fibre network infrastructure in the United States.This new project will have an optical switching layer deployed that represents a multiple orders of magnitude increase over our current capacity. The optical layer of this network will have essentially currently have the funding in this project to deploy a single 100 gig network across that whole footprint, but enormous capability now, with the foundation in place, to be able to use that infrastructure to deploy scores of new special purpose network services across the United States.
It introduces for us, while the rationale for the new federal investment is actually to enable us to move in a different direction in Internet2 and that is to -- and we'll talk about this more in a second -- essentially connect several tens of thousands, in fact, elementary, secondary and small colleges, high schools and small colleges, to our network, to connect public libraries in the United States to our network, to connect community hospitals to the network and our emergency services organisations in the United States. To effectively now create a public service broadband network infrastructure in the United States that will run on the same infrastructure as our networking program in the United States and will provide to our public service organisations, those that have missions to promote public value in the United States, to be able to have access to the enormous value that comes from having a network capacity that does not present a barrier to the development of useful and creative advanced applications.
And while we have that obligation and this represents a new direction for us, we also have, at the same time, this enormous new capacity to support science and research, well beyond anything we have ever had and we see for our members the opportunity for those benefits to grow, as our scale grows, with this new service opportunity that we have.
Now, I'm going to go back here just a second to talk briefly about some other things that we're focusing on.
I talked about item number 3 here, this new network community that we're building in the United States is called US, U can. I think Steve Wallis from Internet2 had a session where he talked more about this program and I know some of you were there and had a chance to ask questions, but I won't talk a lot about this, other than to say it represents a very significant opportunity for us in the United States to create a continuum of focus in advanced application development between traditional research and education conducted in our biggest US universities, with the development of applications that support much, much broader public needs in the United States, in areas like provisioning of healthcare and deploying high value applications in our public libraries across the United States, to facilitate national goals.
So that represents a very interesting confluence of projects.
We also are moving now for Internet2 in new directions, as a result of what I think represents a need to be able for our university members to be able to provide services at a level of scale that they've not traditionally been provided.
It has been sort of an historical artefact in the United States that the whole issue of building technology infrastructure exists at the university level. Everybody has their own email system, everybody has their own web environment, everybody has their own computers. We have a history of aggregating and doing joint projects in areas like supercomputers, where we have been able to save significant amount of money and we have been able to create an organisation like Internet2, which has helped us drive down the cost of research networking capacity and now there's a strong interest in our members for us to begin to move into the development of services above the network, to provide storage, to provide computational capacity, to provide middleware as a service and this will now represent a major goal for Internet2.
We also have a significant amount of work ahead of us. In doing what I call sort of strengthening our ecosystem. One of the things that is often not understood by people who are outside the research and education community, you know, when they see the enormous value that we've created as a result of having our advanced networks and they see the enormous amount of commercial development and innovation that has occurred around this, is that somehow or other, we are this highly organised system of, you know, that has some top down organisational structure, that enables us to do all this work.
All of you in the room who have been involved in this for a long time know better than that. You know that this is a system that is in many senses a federated system, that's comprised of campus networks and networks that are aggregate beyond that and regional networks and networks at the state or the provincial level which collapse into national networks which are then served by this increasingly sustain the level of innovation that we have been able to achieve so far, it is important for us to continue to nurture that very complicated ecosystem.
We know we can never manage it, but we know we have to sustain it.
In the United States, that has been a particular challenge over the last four to six years and we hope to be able to spend some more time focusing on that.
Very clearly, our primary goal, among our primary goals is assuring that our network assets are used effectively to support our research community. We want to spend more time engaging our partners, but each and every piece of this, in one way or another, impacts and is impacted by the globalisation of networking of the internet.
So for us, among our primary objectives at Internet2, you know, is to be able to step up and deal with these complicated global issues and to assure that our members are able to participate in this increasingly global research and education and science environment effectively.
So it creates several new elements of programming for us and the need to focus more on several that we've been doing for quite some time.
Among those are ensuring access to this rapidly growing and developing distributed science facility like the Large Hadron Collider and the increasing deployment of joint collaborative large-scale telescopes and the fact that, you know, we're collaborating across the whole globe in doing the kind of science we do if space right now.
We also are confronted, I think, right now, in the United States with Internet2, by the fact that scores, large numbers of our Internet2 campus members, are deploying campus programs overseas, throughout the world, in South America, in the Middle East and particularly, I think, more recently, in Asia.
We have American universities and I think the reverse is beginning to become true to some degree, but we have American universities building very significant academic and research programs throughout the world, ranging from large scale and there's one led by Duke University to essentially transition its business school into a global business school that is distributed across the world, their first new Kam bus is being built right now in Shanghai, to scores of other schools that are taking the approach of partnering with other universities, to build joint programs, but the sort of bottom line of all of that is that that kind of global expansion is built on and requires a layer of networking capacity and the ability for those networks to work at the global level, with the same transparency and ease that they work at the campus level and the kind of applications we support.
So, you know, that implies for us a number of needs that we continue to focus on. I'll talk a little bit more about that in a few minutes, but right now, I think, what this means for us is that all of us and Internet2 is just one of the organisations that has to do this, APAN and others are the same, is to really focus on assuring we have an open and actively engaged international dialogue.
Because if we can't deploy our networks globally, if we don't have the global layer of our ecosystem and it's not coherent and it's not architecturally sound and it's not sort of end to end consistent, we will not be able to pursue the kind of science that you see emerging. We will not be able to pursue the kind of globalisation of education that I think our members certainly have the ambitions to do.
So digging down a little bit into what that means, how do we then, if that's our strategy. Now, what do we do to sort of align our efforts with that strategy? There are several things that I think are important for us.
One of which is to engage the power of our members in the world. There are very few Internet2 has approximately 220 major university members in the United States. These are the universities that are the major research universities and these institutions have extraordinary numbers of partnerships, research and educational engagements around the world. One of the things that we hope to be able to do and I think this is important for all of us, is to recognise that in order for our global network infrastructure to emerge successfully, and in order for us to have the level of investment that we need to have from our universities and our governments, that it has to become very concrete.
You know, we have got to build programs and projects that essentially enable and facilitate the existing research and educational relationships that exist between US universities and universities around the world. But we've also got to help them understand how to use this enormous network capability we put in place, to be able to build new engagements. By to have a part of the world, a significant part of the world, like the African continent, for instance, to not be part of this process. In order to do that successfully, we can't just do it as leaders of research and education networking entities. We have to figure out how we're going to pull our universities directly into that process.
I talked a little bit earlier about the need that we have and that has been articulated to us by our university Chief Information Officers who are members of Internet2, that among the most important strategic things for them are to have a technology foundation in place, to support their development of global programs. These aren't just research collaborations, these are increasingly becoming educational collaborations, where US universities are building new facilities, where they're partnering with local universities. For the most part, as the universities have engaged in this -- and I was in a university at George town that actually has a remote campus of the university just five years ago began to build this in Doha, Qatar in the Middle East and had a first-hand opportunity to learn the hard way, that globalisation of education isn't going to happen if it's built one piece of infrastructure at a time, that we have to get the network infrastructure and the technology tools and the services that enable things like telepresence and remote learning and sharing of data and sharing of administrative information.
We have to get that infrastructure and services in place ahead of when people are out there building global partnerships and that, again, is a priority of Internet2 in an arena where particularly now given the interest and level of activity of US universities in Asia, becomes a very, very high priority for us and that's going to mean that we will need to focus on infrastructure in different ways. It's no longer campus wide, it's no longer nationally, but it's global that we need to be able to assure that the technical staff who support this whole global infrastructure, are what I would call sort of more evenly developed in their capabilities and that we have the amount of technical capacity we need, not just at the top universities, in the world, which many of us represent, but increasingly in the smaller institutions and those that are frankly less research centric and have less technology support than we have.
But we also think that there's another thing that's very important here and I want to be very much more specific about that.
That as we see this new global environment develop, we have to ensure reliable connection and end to end performance for these global services by aligning global infrastructure with leading edge end to end performance, not current technology.
We are at an inflection point now where over the next two, three, five years, we are now going to see a significant increase in network capacity, the movement from 10 gigabit to 400 gigabit ^. The movement to optical mesh networks, where we will have the capability to support a wide variety of very different kinds of research, in very different network environments, particularly now when you factor in the emergence, the potential emergence, of next generation fundamental network technologies like something like represented by open flow ^, for instance.
What we have got to be able to do -- and this represents the biggest challenge for us -- is that we need to set our design goal to provide global connectivity without bottlenecks. That we need to work together to assure that our end users, you know, who are increasingly naive about technology as we move from high-end science to learning and education, see as very simple, they shouldn't have to talk to -- they want to set up a remote campus or a collaborative program, they shouldn't have to talk to four N runs, three exchange points to get a simple virtual LAN set up across a global substrate and they need to have the kind of tools and capability to be able to do that effectively.
Frankly, this new age of technologies is so close to being on us that we can't afford to wait until it's already deployed at the national network level before we start thinking about how we deploy it at the global level.
I think we also have a strong need to strengthen and support these existing partnerships that we have spent so long developing.
Internet2 wants very much, given our history here, to be a global facilitator for that process and that means that we will continue to work on implementing our end-to-end network performance and measurement tools, continue to work in areas like dynamic circuit management. There's another or that where we have a significant need to focus in the US and that is ^ we are lagging so far behind those of you a major effort for us to catch up and one thing that I believe, you know, we in Internet2 and many of our member community leaders have recognised, is that it's now time in the United States to step up to a very aggressive plan for transition to IPv6.
So we will continue to focus our efforts on working with the global leadership, to assure that the mechanisms that we have in place, like this extraordinary meeting and Terana and the Internet2 meetings provide a consistent focal point for this internet dialogue that we need to have ^. So we look forward to continuing to engage with the Pan-Asian community. I think, frankly, no disrespect to many of our partners in Europe, that the level of energy and activity that, you know, now centres around the development of the internet in Asia, is beginning in a very real way to set the tone and the pace for how this develops at the global level. So we are very much looking forward, not just to continuing the partnership between Internet2 and those of you in the room, we are very, very interested in seeing this partnership deepen and, you now, really focus on assuring that we're building together the technology infrastructure that is going to support the very best things that we can gain in this world, from the globalisation of research and education.
So I thank you very much for the time that you've given me today to talk with you about our goals at Internet2 and I look forward to meeting you all in the hallways later and if there are any questions, I think maybe the organisers have left a little time for us to entertain them.
Lily Kung: Thank you, David, for your insight.
Next, we would like to invite Mr Che-Hoo Cheng, local organising committee of APRICOT-APAN 2011, to say a few words, please. Thank you.
Che-Hoo Cheng: Good afternoon.
It was an exciting week. I hope all of you enjoyed the conference and your stay in Hong Kong.
What I miss the most is the sun. I tried to book it, but it didn't work out and it didn't respond to my emails. Very sorry for that, but it seems that it would come out maybe tomorrow or over the weekend.
A lot of people actually are very interested in the numbers and, in fact, I heard a lot of numbers from different parties, but I think I have the official numbers for you regarding the number of attendees for this event.
If we count the number of attendees on the registration system, which, I mean, the actual attendees in this event, we have the number of 1,171. But that's not including the exhibitors, staff and press. If you count all of them, the overall participants will be a bit more than 1,400.
So I think that has broken the record for APRICOT.
In terms of number of economies represented, we have 61. If we are talking about where they are from, of course in Hong Kong, we have the most number of attendees. We have around 400 from Hong Kong. The second would be Japan. They have almost 120. We also have a lot from US, about 90 something. Singapore, 70 something. Australia and mainland China, they have 60 something. So we have very, very good turnout.
Here, I must clarify. It was not my idea to have this joint APRICOT-APAN conference. I think it was a joint idea of Gaurab, Dennis, and a few others ^.
I think if you think this is a successful event, credit should go to them.
I was only approached by them about three years ago and, of course, I don't know why, but maybe it's because I'm one of the very few people who go to both events, APRICOT and APAN, and of course I think people may have confidence in Hong Kong to host this kind of big joint event.
Anyway, I do hope you will think this is a successful joint event and we'll do it regularly.
I personally think that it's a very good forum for RE people to meet with commercial people and commercial people to meet with RE people, because we need a lot of dialogue in order to build a better internet and to build the so-called future internet.
If you think so, I think it would be a great honour to us.
Of course, we want to make it a successful event, so the team did go to previous meetings to learn things from the hosts, including APRICOT Manila, APRICOT KL, APAN Sydney, APAN Hanoi and also APNIC Beijing, APNIC Gold Coast and we did, you know, bring some very good knowledge back.
Holding this kind of big joint event is not easy, especially as a lot of parties are involved. And all of them have different views, different thinking.
It's really very hard to make everybody happy, but balance of everything.
The venue is really big. So here, I think, all of us need to do quite a bit of exercise, so it should be good for our health.
The logistics, of course, is really complicated, especially as we need to fulfil the requirements of many different parties.
Room allocation was particularly hard, as there were a lot of last minute changes.
The rooms settings have to be changed almost every day. There were special requirements for AV in some of the rooms, registration counter set up was nottryial. It was really, really difficult.
Talking about the network infrastructure that we built for this conference. I think it is unprecedented. We have in total, 100G of bandwidth from this conference centre, Convention Centre, to the outside world. In terms of upstream providers, we have four in total. Plus, of course, we have connection to HKIX where I'm from and also we have direct peering with some major content providers and a lot of our E networks, including CERNET, CST net Japan.. ^.
We also specially set up two layer connections to overseas for 3D full HD video demo, which consumed more than 2.5G for one video stream and also we also had 4K superHD video demo which consumed around 500MEG for one individual Joe stream. Besides, of course, for providing WiFi for such a big events, over high devise density is nottryial.
Anyway, I leave the details to WK. I think his talk is more interesting than mine.
We did receive feedbacks from time to time and we have tried our best to do improvement on the fly.
I hope you appreciate our attitude and our effort.
Of course, things cannot be perfect. So please bear with us if there's anything you still don't like.
I must stress, the outcome of this conference is team work. Without the good team, we could not make it happen.
I would like to especially thank all of them, especially Charles, Edmon, Peng, Phoebe, Catherine, Rebecca and the whole DotAsia team, WK, of course, and the whole local team, ISOC HK board and a lot of volunteers, including the NetMission ambassadors.
There was a lot of late night overnight work, especially the last two weeks. I hope they will have a good rest over the weekend. They need it very much, including me.
I would also like to thank APIA board, the Secretariat, the management committee and, they provide very good support to us. ^. Also, APAN board, APAN Secretariat, events committee and program committee, also a very helpful.
Also, APNIC team, the event team that also the infrastructure team. They did help a lot, like the webcast here, actually, is provided by APNIC. Many thanks to them.
And I would also like to thank keynote speakers, Dr Vint Cerf, Dr Zhang and also David for their great talk and also workshop instructors, tutorial structures, session chairs and other speakers. Of course, I cannot read all of the names, because it's a very long list.
I also like to thank NEHK of Hong Kong tourism board, they provide very good support to us. Of course, I need to thank the many sponsors and supporting organisations on this list. You can see there are a lot of supports from these organisations.
Last but not least, I need to thank you all for coming to this. Without you, I think we cannot have this big event.
Well, of course, this is the closing event, but closing ceremony. But we still have APNIC meeting tomorrow, APAN working group meetings tomorrow and grif demo. I hope you stay and join them. Of course, we will have Closing Social Events tonight and I hope all of you will joint, too.
And I hope you stay over the weekend and I think Hong Kong is good for shopping and dining. So please do that before you leave Hong Kong and please help the Hong Kong economy a bit LAUGHTER Yeah, we need it.
Anyway, that's all I want to say. I want to thank you once again. Thank you.
Desiree Ho: So APRICOT-APAN 2011 would not have been possible without the huge support from our sponsors.
Lily Kung: Yes, so as a token of our appreciation, we would like to present souvenirs to our sponsors.
Our Diamond Sponsor, Cisco Systems, Ms Phyllis Chan, Head of Public Sector,.
Desiree Ho: Our Platinum Sponsor, APNIC, Mr Paul Wilson, Director General.
APPLAUSE our opening social sponsor, PCCW Global, Mr Yuen Choi.
Desiree Ho: Our Closing Social sponsor, Tinet.
Ms. Maria Grazia.
Lily Kung: Our workshop sponsor, Cyberport.
Desiree Ho: Our Gold Sponsor, Afilias, Mr Karim Jiwani, senior director of business development.
Lily Kung: Our Gold Sponsor, Aruba Networks, Hong Kong and Macau, Ms. Christie Chan, treasury and development manager.
Desiree Ho: Our Gold Sponsor, Pacnet Hong Kong, Mr Howard Cheung, Regional Network Manager.
Lily Kung: And finally, our Gold Sponsor, Ruijie Network Co Ltd, Mr Jack Wu, Regional Director of International Business Division.
Desiree Ho: Thank you, Che-Hoo and sponsors.
Thousand we would like to invite Mr WK Shiu, Head of Local Infrastructure Team, to report on the infrastructure on the conference. WK, please.
Wai-Kai Shui: Good afternoon. So my name is KW shoe. I represent the infrastructure team to report to you the performance of the network at APRICOT-APAN 2011.
Firstly, I would like to express our thanks to Mr Che-Hoo Cheng, who has entrusted the network build for the team. So I hope we haven't let him down.
OK. Let's take a look at the report.
So this is the agenda. I will first talk about how the network is and then the utilisation and the performance of the network and then followed by some key application of the network and finally, we'll present our lesson learnt.
In fact, this is the actual network you see outside, so what is it? So it is an ISP network, a redundant node with dual core switch, dual core router, DWDM system, some internet servers and net flow analyser, 20 access switches, more than 70APs, controller and network management system and it has also deployed a special cooling system, because the air condition of the venue will be stopped at night.
And we have also had a look in the mega I advantage to peer with our partners, we have a total 7 times 10 gigabit circuit with them.
So let's look at our 10 times 10 gigabit circuit ox total 100 gig of capacity. So Che-Hoo mention some of their name, so I will not go into their detail, but we peer with Hong Kong IS, with 10 gigabit and through there, we second with a number of academic necessary work, academic R&D net work and also the Hong Kong to for the video for the medical 4K video. So I will show you the utilisation later ^.
So a quick look at the routing and switching layer. We have a dual router and dual switch configuration. And the access layer will have access rich with dual home through the core switches
Here is the wireless layer. We have deployed 70 thin APs connected to a layer 2 network which connect back to the two controller in redundant manner ^.
Finally, each of the access ID will be terminated in one V lan on the routes ever.
So we make use of the Hong Kong CEC extensive fibre network to extend the showcase to F4 that we have our meeting held. So we can take a look at this.
Basically, we appear on the showcase and then we extend to every room.
So take a look at the utilisation. Firstly, is the wireless system in the network for all the participants to access the internet.
So we notice 1,744 unique devices. So as Che-Hoo mentioned, we have 1,400 participants including staff. So that means every single one of us have more than one WiFi device.
And we have divided the wireless network into five different SSIDs. Two of them are dual stack with wireless A and wireless BG and one of them is 6 only, which is the APRICOT-APAN 6 and one of them is designed for the XP machine, which need the IP version 4D MS to resolve the IP record ^. Lastly, we have add a NAT64 gateway, such that we can do some experiment on our network.
Thanks to Sean.
This is the wireless utilisation. At peak, we have total 887 users at peak.
You can see each of the distribution in each of the access ID.
Here is the throughput. The total maximum throughput is around 94.4 megabit. You can see the differents between the three days. The throughput experience in this venue and we tune and optimise the wireless AP distribution to ensure that the participants can have a better throughput.
This is an interesting slide. So by looping the packet, routing through the controller, we are able to tell what the handheld device or what the wireless devices are. So you can see from the pie chart, most of the devices here are iPhone, followed by Mac OS and win 7, 70 per cent each. Then the next will be the Windows XP.
OK. So this is just for your information.
Now about the performance. For the 802.11a, so far we haven't received any complaint and hopefully will not receive any complaint after this. And on the 802.11bg, unfortunately, we have received some complaint on the performance, especially on the first day, when we have the opening ceremony.
So the finding was that there are too many AP in the same room, one in the 802.11bg channel. Because there are three non local channel only, when these AP are placed too close together, they will interfere with each other. So the work around we developed is to squeeze the channel a bit and assuming that there are four non-overlapping channels, and then tune the four AP here to the maximum power. So in this venue now, we have four AP with 802.11bg serving you the bg channel for the rest, they will serve you both the -- for the rest, they will serve you the eight as well. Totally there are 12AP here.
There was an unfortunate events which was on 22 February. This is due to a very special condition in the controller according to Aruba engineer. So they managed to find out the issue and deploy the fix immediately. I hope that the interruption is not severe.
Next I look at the IPv4 and 6 comparison here. So we deploy the dual stack to all users for a couple of. One is 2SSID which has version 4 and version 6 dual stack and then we have the access lan accessible through the foyer. The total IPv6 traffic we see, the maximum output is 30.9 megabit.
And the same time for the IPv4, which is 122.8, so this is for your reference, you can interpret the distribution of the content on the IP version 6 and 4 work.
In the bottom, which is another view.
So we have also connected statistics through our DNS server and our DHCP server. There are totally around 4.7 million DNS requests. DNS enquiry. And around 13.7 per cent are coming from the IPv6 transport. That means most of your notebook or handheld device are not using the IPv6 for the DNS enquiry.
For the top 8 inquiry, we receive around 1.6 or 1.7 ^ and the 8 inquiry we receive 2.3 million. So you can tell these two numbers are getting close to each other.
Concerned the DHCH, we observe around 1,800 on the version 4 DHCP software and on the version 6 DHCP, we observe 1,099. So this is basically caused by some of the device which do not support the DHCP version 6.
So you may be interested in where are all the traffic go? OK. So this is the view of the traffic view. So it seem that CERNET is on the top. So thanks to CERNET. The next one is very small. It's KREO net. So you can see it later when you get this slide on the APNIC web page.
So what are the key application of the network beyond the internet access through the WiFi?
The first one is the webcasting, which webcast event to the outside. So we monitor the interface of connecting to the APNIC network and the maximum output is around 62.5 megabit, maximum input is around 84.5 megabit.
The next application that we use frequently is the video conferencing. So we use a bit low utilisation. The maximum is around 3 megabit, which is because of the high compression that the video conference machine can achieve.
Next is the 3D video. I hope you can take some time to watch that on the Tuesday and Wednesday and through the layer circuit to Hong Kong, we were able to deliver the 3D video content without any problem and the throughput is quite impressive, which is 2.7 gigabit from Europe through US to Japan, Korea and to Hong Kong.
Last application I would like to bring to you is the 4K video streaming, which is the video stream from US and Japan to Hong Kong. Some of the stream is through APAN JP and total utilisation is around 500 megabit, as that shows.
Let's take a look behind the scenes.
From concept to production, it took us almost six months, including a number of site visits and a number of discussions with the equipment sponsors.
Because they think that we require is not small, you know.
Mega-iAdvantage, thanks to their infrastructure team member. They spend many nights and even overnight at the Mega-iAdvantage.
For the migration, we have done that on 20 February. We took less than 18 hours to set everything up.
So that is the photo during the staging. We actually open up all the boxes and actually do the configuration of every single piece of equipment used here. You can also see the two big giant router on the top left-hand corner -- bottom left-hand corner and you can see a few of our members on the top left-hand corner.
This is how we do the migration. So on the 20th, we start from nothing, and then we install equipment one by one and we finish our job at around 11 o'clock. So it was a long day for us.
So let's take a look at the lesson learned.
Firstly, IPv6 works, but we need to learn more before we by deploying, so I believe our members learn a lot deploying IPv6 here and as I said before, the tuning of the wireless access is critical, especially for event like this. There are many, many devices and even more in the future.
More time needs to be allocated for planning and testing for the future event in the venue like this.
This is a really big venue and for your information, we have already used up all the fibre from this floor to other floor.
So I would like to take this opportunity to thanks to our team members. In particular, Howard Cheung, he has a newborn baby, so less than a month old and he spent a lot of time with us in Mega-iAdvantage.
Wai-Kai Shui: Then Dominic, so you can see him walking around in the venue, fixing the problem for us. Then Kenneth, for spending all the week here and configuration of switches, cams as peering manager for our network and also do a lot of, CK to prepare all the servers for us, David to do the routing configuration and the routing configuration, Jacky and Charles to do the video conferencing and audio support So we also would like to thank Che-Hoo, Raphael and Gaurab for their support, because they have a lot of experience in the event in the past. Their opinion really help us to build the network.
So last but not the least, I would like to thanks to all our sponsors, not only for their equipment, but for their engineering support. Some of them even have a standby engineer here. So I would like to all of us, maybe put our hands together for them and thank you very much again for this.
That's all from my presentation. Thank you.
Lily Kung: Thank you, WK. Now, let's call Philip Smith, Chairman of the APIA board, to say a few words.
Philip Smith: Good afternoon, everybody.
I think like with the opening plenary, I'll keep this nice and short. I would greatly like to thank our co-hosts for APRICOT-APAN 2011, the DotAsia Organisation and the Internet Society Hong Kong chapter for, well, I don't know, I'm running short of superlatives, really for this completely amazing event that they have put together.
It's probably been the most tiring APRICOT I have been involved in. I hope you have all had the opportunity to enjoy the week as much as I have tried to have at least. So thank you for the hosts, thank you to the sponsors, that cans especially to all of you for actually coming here. I think about four weeks, we were kind of wondering in people were going to come at all, with the usual last minute rush in registrations. I mean, I know we feel a bit overwhelmed, the size of participation here, this has been the biggest APRICOT ever, from our perspective at APIA. And as I say, we look forward to more events in the future and I'd like to invite you all to come to APRICOT 2012 next year and make the event a success as well.
Many thanks.
Desiree Ho: Thank you, please remain on stage.
So APRICOT-APAN 2011 would not have been possible without our local host, DotAsia Organisation and the Internet Society Hong Kong. Let us welcome our local hosts to receive the souvenir.
Lily Kung: Mr Charles Mok, Chairman of the Internet Society Hong Kong.
APPLAUSE May we also invite Prof Wu Jianping up to the stage. Thank you.
Mr Edmon Chung, CEO of DotAsia Organisation.
APPLAUSE We would now like to invite Mr David Lambert, Paul Wilson, Che-Hoo Cheng and WK back to the stage for a group photo, please.
APPLAUSE As APRICOT-APAN comes to a close, I'm sure many of you would agree that these four days have gone by too quickly.
Desiree Ho: Yes, Lily, because I know for a fact that the guests have enjoyed this event. Because I've had the very interesting experience of people walking up to me saying: hey, Desiree, so you're the MC of the closing ceremony, right? Surely you know who is the host of 2013? Right? Come on, tell us.
A few hours is not that big a difference.
In fact, let me read you a text message that I received this morning.
So it says here, hey, Desiree, is it country A or country B who won the 2013 APRICOT? Haha. Anyway..
Lily Kung: Dear guests, we would love to tell you, but that part of the ceremony wasn't on our script.
Desiree Ho: So without further ado, let us invite Dr Philip Smith to announce the host of APRICOT 2013.
Philip Smith: I think I needed one of these. So, the host of APRICOT 2013 is, actually, I don't have an envelope, but I've got a big card. Who should it be? Was it in a text message at all? No, I don't think so.
Anyway, after much deliberation, the APIA board made a choice between the two candidates that bid for hosting APRICOT 2013. We received two excellent bids. It's always very difficult with these things, there has to be one winner and so we made the difficult decision and, yeah, I think we can announce who the winner is.
So, anyway, the winner is ...
For the benefit of the webcast, Singapore.
I would like to invite representatives of the Singapore bid to come and collect, what, a little card.
Speaker: Just want to say thank you for giving us the chance.
Desiree Ho: Next we would also like the representative for APRICOT 2012, Mr Rajesh Khannia, from ISPAI, to the stage, please.
Rajesh Charia: Namaste in India style.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, thanks to APIA board for selecting India as the next destination for prestigious APRICOT 2012, ISPAI as host and NIXI as co-host. As well as director of NIXI, National Internet Exchange of India, invite you all to India's capital town, Delhi.
Which has further changed a lot after recently held Commonwealth Games.
A lot of new infrastructures ^, the guests who had visited Delhi to attend APNIC in 2006 will find almost a New Delhi now.
I hope you all will have a very good time during your stay in Delhi APRICOT 2012. Incredible, India.
Thank you very much.
India is emerging a superpower in IT and telecom, the example 15 million mobile connections every month from last two years.
Highest monthly penetration in the world.
In spite, we have the lowest in tariff. Our government is focusing very seriously on the broadband penetration and targeting almost the same speed of penetration of broadband into our country and the basis example, the regulator of TRAI, has a representation on the national broadband plan.
Very soon, the national telecom policy 2011, NTP2011, to address all the challenges out broadband penetration in our country. The same pace of Bentration of broadband into rural India also, to bridge the digital divide, so that every village of our country should be broadband connected by 2011, to fulfil the dream of our honourable president.
We are targeting around 100 million broadband connections by 2015, a very vast market, as India to the other part of the world.
Our new minister, who has recent I will taken over the IT department also, who is also the minister of education, is very serious of national knowledge network of 10 gig so that all the schools, colleges and the professional institutes should be connected to the internet.
Now, as per our own India custom, I and my ISPAI family will join me on dias, to welcome you on India. This is our India custom, that the whole family is inviting every guest to the panel.
APPLAUSE Now from the India side, I will request Dr Che-Hoo Cheng to accept from our side. Please.
Lily Kung: Thank you, Rajesh, please remain on stage. May we invite Mr Che-Hoo Cheng to present Che-Hoo, please.
Thank you. Next, we would like to invite Mr Paul Wilson to say a few words about APRICOT-APAN and a few reminders for the APNIC members meeting on Friday.
Paul Wilson: Thank you very much. It's a great honour to be here to give what may well be the last words you'll hear at this event.
I have been involved with APRICOT for many years now. APNIC was one of the founders of APRICOT and it's really fantastic to be here at the biggest APRICOT meeting that we've ever seen so far. In fact, I had quite a few things to say about the experience, but Lily and Desiree did so so much better than I could and with a certain youthful enthusiasm that I don't think I can emulate. There are also many people to thank and Che-Hoo did a very good job of that, so please just pretend that I said what they said and I mean it 100 per cent.
I do want to particularly thank, though, the people I'm herewith from APNIC. There's a large team of staff who have been working really hard for all week and some of them for even longer.
We have been involved at APNIC not only with running the APNIC track through the meeting, I be also with providing webcast, the website, the registration system and so on. So I can't name everyone, but blunt dean, Vivian, Sunny, Alan, Ben, Frank, for a start, have all been working, mostly behind the scenes, to help bring you this event ^.
I want to also say a special thanks to a couple of stall warts of APRICOT, Philip Smith and Molly Cheam from APIA, because each of them ...
APPLAUSE DotAsia have done a fantastic job, but the job is over now, but for Philip and Molly, they will be back again next year. I certainly hope so.
You might all know, but I'll remind you anyway, that the APNIC meeting continues tomorrow. We have the members meeting tomorrow. There are also a few other events. I know that the APNIC members here will join us for the meeting, but I hope that others of you will do as well. The meeting is open and everyone is welcome to join us.
If you stay, you might just find a seat at our closing dinner tomorrow night, but no promises. The seats are limited and certainly less than the numbers in this crowd.
So we have work to do tomorrow and that will curtail our celebrating tonight. That's a subtle message to the staff I have just mentioned, but we're all very responsible.
So I do hope that I'll see you all again and if it's not tomorrow, then at the next APRICOT in India. Incredible India. I know it well.
But also, in the meantime, before then, we have the APNIC 32 meeting in Busan in South Korea in around about late August of this year. So please also join us there if you can. It's like a mini APRICOT, if you like, if you don't know it.
So between now and then, I hope you all have safe travels home. You have a safe arrival home, you have a rest and then you remember two words to act on: deploy IPv6.
Thank you.
Desiree Ho: Thank you very much, Paul. Now we just want to wrap up with a few reminders and some housekeeping notes. Firstly, we would like a remind guests about the GLIF demo, room S428 at 5.30 pm.
I believe that will not be possible, so it will be after this session.
Secondly, for the Closing Social Event, it will be held at 7 pm at Duetto in Wan Chai. It is just within walking distance, so there will be staff to guide you guy there is from this building, so pleases a sellable at the Harbour View entrance at 6.30 pm. The last time slot to get there with the staff is 7 pm. It's the same meeting point where the buses left for the Opening Social Event on Monday.
Lily Kung Kung: Thank you once again for all of your support and participation in APRICOT-APAN 2011.
So hope to see all of you at Closing Social events.
Thank you.