APRICOT Call for Papers

The APRICOT 2011 Call for Papers         APAN Call for Papers

Call for papers

The APRICOT 2011 Program Committee has issued a call for presentations and tutorials to be delivered at APRICOT-APAN 2011. We are looking for people who would:

  • Deliver a technical tutorial on an appropriate topic
  • Participate in the technical conference sessions as a speaker
  • Convene and chair a Birds of a Feather (BoF) session.

Submit Proposal

If you would like to obtain more information about the opportunities available for participating in the APRICOT-APAN 2011 program, please contact the program committee.


Conference milestones

The timeline for submissions to the Call for Papers is:

Call for Papers Opens: 1 October 2010
First Deadline for Submissions: 26 November 2010
First Draft Programme Published: 3 December 2010
Final Deadline for Submissions: 11 February 2011
Final Programme Published: 14 February 2011
Final Slides Received: 19 February 2011

Program material

The APRICOT Program is organized into three parts, including workshops, tutorials, and the conference. The APNIC Policy SIG and APNIC Member Meeting (AMM) will be held during the APRICOT conference.

Topics for the tutorials and conference might include among other themes, relevant to Internet operations and technologies:

  • IPv4/IPv6 routing and operations
  • IPv4 address runout / IPv6 deployment and transition technologies
  • Backbone operations
  • ISP and carrier services
  • Network security issues (NSP-SEC, DDoS, anti-spam, anti-malware)
  • Peering/IXPs
  • Internet policy (security, regulation, content management, addressing, etc.)
  • Access and transport technologies, including broadband (cable/DSL), wireless, WiMax, metro ethernet, fiber network, MPLS
  • Content and service delivery (multicast, voice, video, "telepresence", gaming)


Paper submission

Draft slides for both the tutorials and conference sessions MUST be provided with the paper, otherwise the program committee will be unable to review the submission. For work in progress, the most current information available at the time of submission is acceptable.

Final slides are to be provided by the specified deadline for publication on the APRICOT website.

While the majority of speaking slots will be filled by the submission deadline, a limited number of slots may be available for presentations that are exceptionally timely, important, or of critical operational importance.

Any questions or concerns should be emailed to the program committee. We look forward to receiving your presentation proposals.

APAN Call for Papers

Learn more about the APAN31 Call for Papers.

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