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Every person entering Malaysia must possess a valid national Passport or internationally recognized Travel Document valid for travel to Malaysia. Any person not in possession of a Passport or Travel Document which is recognized by the Malaysian Government, must obtain a Document in lieu of Passport. Application for the Document in lieu of Passport can be made at any Malaysian Representative Office abroad. Holders of Travel Documents like a Certificate of Identity, Laisser Passer, Titre de Voyage or a Country's Certificate of Permanent Residence must ensure that their return to the country which issued the document or the country of residence is guaranteed. The documents shall be valid, for more than six (6) months from the date of entry into Malaysia. Visa Requirement :-Foreign nationals who require a Visa to enter Malaysia must apply and obtain a Visa in advance at Malaysian Representative Office before entering the country. A visa is an endorsement in a passport or other recognized travel document of foreigner indicating that the holder has applied for permission to enter Malaysia and that permission has been granted. Foreign nationals who require a Visa to enter Malaysia must apply and obtain a Visa in advance at any Malaysian Representative Office abroad before entering the country. Visa which has been granted is not absolute guarantee that the holder will be allowed to enter Malaysia.The final decision lies with the Immigration Officer at the entry point. Types of VisaThree (3) types of visa are issued by the Malaysian Government to foreign national: * Single Entry Visa * Multiple Entry Visa * Transit Visa How To Apply For A VisaApplication for visas should be made
at the nearest Malaysian Missions abroad. In countries where Malaysian
Missions have not been established, application should be made to the
British High Commission or Embassy. The applicant should present himself
together with the following documents: COUNTRIES WITH PARTIAL VISA ABOLITION
AGREEMENT WITH MALAYSIA The countries are: ARGENTINA, ALBANIA, ALGERIA, AUSTRIA, BELGIUM, BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA, CZECH & SLOVAK, DENMARK, FINLAND, FRANCE, GERMANY, HUNGARY, ICELAND, ITALY, JAPAN, KRYGYZSTAN, LUXEMBOURG, NORWAY, PERU, SOUTH KOREA, SPAIN, SWEDEN, TURKMENISTAN, TUNISIA, UNITED STATE OF AMERICA WEST ASIA COUNTRIES. Nationals of these countries also do not require a visa to enter Malaysia for the purpose of social/business visit not more than three (3) months. For other purposes, a visa is required. The countries are: BAHRAIN, MOROCCO, UNITED ARAB EMIRATE, OMAN, JORDAN, QATAR, KUWAIT, SAUDI ARABIA, LEBANON, TURKEY, EGYPT. Nationals of the following countries do not require a visa to enter Malaysia for the purpose of social/ business visits of not more than 14 days. For other purposes, a visa is required. The countries are: AFGHANISTAN, IRAN, IRAQ, LIBYA, SYRIA EAST EUROPEAN COUNTRIES, BALTIC AND COMMONWEALTH OF INDEPENDENT STATES(CIS) Nationals of these countries do not require a visa to enter Malaysia for the purpose of social/business visits of not more than thirty (30) days. For other purposes, a visa is required. The countries are: ARMENIA, ATZERBAIJAN, BULGARIA, ESTONIA, GEORGIA, KAZAKHSTAN, LATVIA, LITHUANIA, MOLDOVIA, RUMANIA, RUSSIA, TADJIKISTAN, UKRAINE, YELORUSSIA For more detailed information on Visa Requirements and length of stay, visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Website CUSTOMS FORMALITIESCurrency Dutiable and Non-Dutiable Goods Health Regulations **The information above was obtained from Tourism Malaysia Other InformationAddresses of Malaysian Foreign Missions (Source from Minstry of Foreign Affairs)
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