The APRICOT 2004 Program Committee is now preparing a
schedule and materials for the conference, and is seeking contributors
to the program. This is a preliminary call for Presentations & Tutorials
before the final program is fixed. We would like to give people the
opportunity to submit their proposals early this year and to encourage
people in the Asia Pacific region who have not previously presented
their work to do so.
We are looking for people who would like to:

25 August 2003: |
Receive all nominations or submissions of Track Chairs |
30 August 2003: |
Final Selection of Track Chairs. Track Chairs start
informal recruiting of speakers, instructors & session moderators |
1 September 2003: |
Track Chairs submit proposed Track Subject & Sessions |
15 September 2003: |
Final Track Subject & Sessions Finalized Formal
Call For Speakers & Instructors issued |
1 December 2003: |
Receive all Speaker & Instructor submissions |
15 December 2003: |
Announce Selected Speakers and Tutorials |
1 February 2004: |
All Presentation Materials are received from Speakers
& Instructors |
18 February to
22 February 2004: |
Pre-conference Workshops |
23 February to
24 February 2004: |
Tutorials |
25 February to 26 February 2004: |
Conference |
27 February 2004: |
APNIC Meeting |

Tutorial and Technical Conference Session topics that have been successful
in the past, or which have been requested for this year, include:
* Network security
* Address planning, conservation, responsibility and migration to IPv6
* High performance IP backbone routing and management
* Network planning, management and traffic engineering
* Operation experiences and issues in deploying Internet Infrastructure
* Internet exchanges, peering and collocation
* Operations, NOC, Helpdesk and other support aspects
* New Pan Asian backbones
* Hot topics in future network protocols and techniques
* BIND, DNSSEC, and Reverse and multilingual DNS
* Broadband first/last mile access technologies
* Mobile and wireless technologies
* Content, Applications, streaming and multimedia infrastructure
* Unified messaging, scaling e-mail infrastructure
* Service and server scaling, Redundancy and reliability, Open source
* VoIP
* Training the Trainers Workshops / Educators Track
The program committee will consider proposals in any of
these areas, and also in new areas. If you have an idea for a tutorial
or session subject that is not listed, please feel free to submit it
to us.
The Main Conference Program for 2004 will be made up of
2 days with 3 tracks each day (Plus the APNIC Track which is managed
by APNIC).
The Tracks are:
When considering a presentation or tutorial, remember
that the APRICOT audience is mainly comprised of technical network operators
and engineers with a wide range of experience levels from beginners
to multi-year experience. There is a strong orientation to offer core
skills and basic knowledge in the tutorials and to address issues relevant
to the day-to-day operations of ISPs over the next 12 - 18 months in
the conference sessions.
APRICOT is a TECHNICAL conference and marketing and commercial content
is not allowed within the program. The program committee is charged
with maintaining the technical standard of APRICOT, and will therefore
not accept inappropriate materials. It is expected that the presenter
be a technical person and not a sales or marketing person. The audience
is extremely technical and expects that the speakers are
themselves very knowledgeable. All sessions provide time for questions,
so presenters should expect technical questions, and be prepared to
deliver insightful and technically deep responses.
The APRICOT Technical Conference Schedule is made up of 1.5 hour conference
sessions, each including up to 3 speakers (therefore allowing 20-30
minutes per speaker). Sessions are chaired by persons of appropriate
expertise in the subject matter of the session, and will include ample
time for questions from the audience. If you would like to give a presentation
or chair one of the sessions, follow the instructions at the end of
this message for signing up as a speaker or instructor.
Tutorials are full-day workshops which focus on a particular subject
in-depth. They may be presented by a single Instructor, or a team of
instructors working together. Tutorial Instructors are encouraged to
also sign up to be a Conference Session Chair and/or Speaker as well.
You can sign up to give a tutorial, conference session presentation
and/or be a Session Chair by following the instructions at the end of
this message for signing up as a speaker or instructor.
Since APRICOT is a not-for-profit event that tries to keep the cost
to attendees low, we do not have too much money to pay the costs of
speakers. If you belong to a company or organization that can cover
you travel expenses, that is a big help. Only in exceptional circumstances
of hardship will APRICOT be able to consider assisting with travel expenses
of tutorial instructors. Of course, Tutorial, Conference Chairs and
Speakers will not have to pay any registration fee to attend the conference
or tutorials.
The call for papers has been closed. The final selection of speakers
will be announced by 21 December 2003.
Thanks and if you have any questions, please contact me (e-mail is best).
Robert J. Berger
Program Chair
Fax: +1-408-490-2868