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Bali International Convention Center (BICC)

The Bali International Convention Centre is situated right on Nusa Dua Beach, 30 kilometres from Denpasar and 10 kilometres from the Ngurah Rai International airport. The Centre is connected through an air-conditioned shopping arcade with The Westin Resort Nusa Dua Bali ( the main venue hotel) and within walking distance of luxury hotels and, fantastic shopping, entertainment, restaurants, a champion-ship golf course and a host of other recreational facilities.
P.O. Box 36
Nusa Dua
Bali 80363
Tel : (62 361) 771906
Fax. (62 361) 772 047

Floor Plan of BICC

Plenary Hall / Nusa Indah Hall
BICC's main hall seat 2500 theatre, or 1200 for banquet size of 2394 square meter, 2 balconies, built in stage of 17 x 3 meter additional portable staging available, built in large form screen of 5 x 8 meter as well as built in PA and speaker for max 200 watt. Highest ceiling 10.5 meter.

Tiered seating 506, built in stage 12.6 x 6.3 meter, built in screen 4.7 x 10 meter sound system for speaker up to 3000 watt, highest ceiling - 7.2 meter.

The Centre boasts a total of almost 5,000 square meters of exhibition space with excellent vehicle access. There are two interior areas of 1,350 square meters each and 2,000 square meters of outdoor exhibition space.

An exclusive Bounded Warehouse or bond store expedites transport, customs clearance and security of all exhibition/convention commodities. Our bonded ware house will alleviate any worries you have about valuable equipment or stock. Avoid all the delay and additional expense by contacting BICC's appointed custom clearance of your goods. They will then be kept under security for the duration of the event and then safety shipped back to your choice.

Meeting Room
Eight additional function rooms, four of which divide, provide meeting space totalling 3,490 square metres.
Meeting Room Available for 10 - 1000 pax.

Business Centre - Business centre with multi-lingual staff provide complete secretarial services, including word processing, photocopying, facsimile and internet access. A press room, large conference registration counter, organizer's office and two separate secretariat's offices are also available.

Technician - Audio visual technicians, electrician, plumber, carpenter, portable PA system, microphones and stands, screens, closed circuit TV recorders, loudspeakers, portable stages, lecterns, podiums, padded metal stack chairs, black/white boards, flannel boards, writing materials, lobby bulletin board, directional signs, AV. replacement parts.
Flip chart, laser pointer, electric white board, teleconference system, simultaneous translation equipment, video projector, electronic data presenter, rear projection screen, microphones, video cameras, VCRs, TV monitors, 35 mm slide projectors, overhead projectors, LCD, auditorium sound control room, stage lighting system, closed circuit television, compact disc players, cassette recorders/players, paging system, 35 mm and 16 mm film projection and sound, press room, banners/backdrops.

Others - Attendee registration, sign painter, messenger, typesetters, name cards/holders, truck/van, locksmith, print shop, decorating, first aid, photographer, musicians, tours, entertainment, medical, bank, shopping arcade, tour desk, flower shop, security, and photographer.

Outside Catering - Let the professional at the Bali International Convention Centre take care of your needs anywhere on the island. Some of the most popular are : Tanah lot, Jimbaran Bay Kerambitan Palace, mengwi temple and Nusa Dua Peninsula.

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The First Floor Plan


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The Ground Floor

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