Birds of a Feather (BoFs)
Birds of a Feather meetings (BOFs) are informal meetings that are convened for a variety of purposes such as exchanging information and discussing new ideas or particular issues.
BOFs serve as a means to conduct ad hoc and informal meetings, and also as a useful means to gauge interest in a particular topic or idea prior to the establishment of a new SIG.
RPKI (Resource Public Key Infrastructure) is a platform that allows Internet Number Resource (ASN, IPv4, IPv6) holders to prove custodianship of certain resource ranges through strong digital signatures.
This BoF will present updates on the latest RPKI development at the IETF, show RPKI features currently available in MyAPNIC, and invite participants to provide future development feedback.
The community drives policy development at APNIC. Anyone can make a proposal and everyone can have their say on proposals, whether onsite at an APNIC meeting or online via the Policy SIG mailing list. If you think you can help improve the APNIC policy development process, come to this BoF.
Web of Trust BoF
This BOF will highlight the concepts behind Web of Trust authentication systems and delve into the specifics of the CAcert free X.509 certificate authority and an introduction to the PGP Key system.