APRICOT 2003 Secretariat |
If you need more information about sponsoring this event, please contact Ms Joanna Tso of APRICOT 2003 Secretariat. Alternatively, you may simply complete the attached sponsorship pledge form, indicating your preferred sponsorship option, and return it to TWNIC, the host of APRICOT 2003
Joanna Tso
Public Relations executive for international affairs
Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC)
4F-2, 9, Sect. 2 Roosevelt Rd, Taipei, Taiwan 100 (R.O.C.)
Tel:+886-2-2341-1313 ext. 700
E-mail: secretariat@apricot2003.net
or joanna@twnic.net.tw
Amber Chen
Congress Activity Department
Global Integrated Service
6F-5, 171, Sung Der Rd., Taipei, Taiwan 110
Tel: +886-2-2346-3686 ext.114
Fax:+886-2- 2346-3626