Sponsor Category - Free Sponsor |
Sponsor amount : |
US$1,500-5,000 or NT$ 50,000-175,000
Sponsor benefits : |
Logo positioning and sponsorship mentioning on printed materials, venue production, venue decoration and press
Logo positioning and linkage on APRICOT 2003 website, online advertisements and e-mail
Preemption of sponsorship of airport bulletin, shuttle, street banners (100 per company), APRICOT 2003 satchel, T-shirt, souvenirs (eg: pen, Memo).
Note : |
Each Hospitality space unit is a 3M X 2M shell scheme
enclosed booth inclusive of 1 reception table, 2 chairs,
carpet, 3 lamp lights and 1 110V/5A electricity outlet.
It is highly encouraged that the sponsors create a
private chatting space within the booth area to conduct
all prominent sales activities. Sponsors are responsible
for the booth decoration and demo set up related
Please contact the APRICOT2003 Secretariat for more information on the APRICOT2002 Fellowship