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Wednesday 21 Feb - Sunday 25 Feb 2007


[Ground / Hibiscus]

9:00 - 17:30

Led by: Kurt Erik Lindqvist, Gaurab Raj Upadhaya, Miwa Fujii < presentation material >

[Ground / Frangipani]

Routing (Workshop I)
Led by: Philip Smith, Amante Alvaran
< presentation material >

[Ground / Bandung]

Routing (Workshop II)
Led by: Lim Fung, Srinath Beldona, Seo Boon Ng
< presentation material >

[Ground / Bougainville]
Internet Security
Led by: Vicky Shrestha, Kunjal Trivedi, Damien Holloway < presentation material >
[First / Orchid] VoIP + Multicast
Led by: Jonny Martin, Greg Shepherd & John Zwiebel
< Voip presentation material >
< Multicast presentation material >

[Westin 3rd / Jasmine]

Led by: Bill Manning, Johan Ihren, Ed Lewis.

[ Schedule
Details ]



Early Bird (by 15 January 2006)

Full Rate
APNIC Member
300 USD
300 USD
2,700,000 IDR


Standard (from 16 January 2006)

Full Rate
APNIC Member
400 USD
400 USD
3,600,000 IDR

[ Schedule
Details ]

Workshops Details

Instructors : Kurt Erik Lindqvist (Netnod), Gaurab Raj Upadhaya (PCH),
                   Miwa Fujii (APNIC)

Class Size: 28

Attendees with laptop are desirable.

Who should attend:
Engineers and operational staff at ISPs and other network operators who are planning to use IPv6 either as research or on production networks. Anyone who wants to learn how IPv6 works in practice can also attend.

Good knowledge of IPv4 addressing, network operations as well as knowledge of DNS, Routing with both IGP and BGP. It is important that students have good prior knowledge of operations in IPv4 in order for them to attend this workshop.

The workshop will be a combination of theory and lab. The lab will constitute about 60% of the total course.

What you will learn:

History of IPv6
- What where the problems to be solved?
- Which where the proposed solutions
- Why was IPv6 chosen?

IPv6 Design and addressing
- What's an IPv6 address?
- Packet formats
- Comparison between IPv4 and IPv6 packets
- Address allocation

Transition from IPv4 to IPv6
- Applications
- Dual-stack
- Various transition technologies
- Teredo
- 6to4
- 6over4
- etc

IPv6 Neighbour discovery
IPv6 Stateless auto-configuration
Mobile IPv6
Address selection
IPv6 and DNS
- Things to think about
- How to configure

- What applications are there?
- How do I port my application to support IPv6?

Is IPv6 any good?
- Does it solve today's problems?
- What does the future for IPv6 looks like?

Configuring IPv6 on your machines
- Static addresses
- Prefix advertisement
- Auto-configuration
- DNS-server (bind) and zones
- Configuring postfix for mail
- Configuring Apache for IPv6
- OSPFv3
- BGP and BGP Multihoming
- Filtering
- Configuring IPv6 on your router
- Configuring OSPFv3
- Configuring BGP
- Configuring filtering
- APNIC policies with regards to IPv6 Allocation.
- Global IPv6 scenario
- Migration strategies and case studies

[ Schedule
Details ]

Routing (Workshop 1)
Instructors : Philip Smith (Cisco), Amante Alvaran (APNIC)

Class Size: 28

Attendees must bring a laptop

Who should attend: This is a technical workshop. Technical staff who are now or soon will be building or operating a wide area TCP/IP base Internet Service Provider (ISP) network or Internet eXchange Point (IXP), likely with international and/or multi-provider connectivity.

Pre-requisites:Cisco IOS Fundamentals; user level UNIX and maybe some system administration; some use of network design, preferably TCP/IP-based.

What you will learn:

  • Techniques for design, set-up, and operation of a metropolitan, regional, or national ISP backbone network. This includes advanced OSPF, BGP4, and policy based routing configurations.

  • Techniques for the design, set-up, and operation of Internet Exchange Points.

  • Techniques for multiple connections to the Internet (multihoming), including connections to IXPs and ISPs.

  • Techniques to achieve optimal performance and configuration from a Cisco backbone router. This includes routing scalability, network design, and configuration tips.


Day 1
- ISP Network & Routing Architectures (Introduction)
- Internet Routing
- OSPF and BGP
- Lab (Module 1)

Day 2
- ISP Network & Routing Architectures (Basics)
- BGP Attributes and Scaling Techniques
- Lab (Module 2 and 3)

Day 3
- ISP Network & Routing Architectures (Advanced)
- BGP Best Practices, OSPF areas and BGP Route Reflectors
- Lab (Modules 4, 6 and 7)

Day 4
- Scaling the Network
- Advanced Router Configuration and Multihoming
- Lab (Modules 11 and 12)

Day 5
- Policy Routing and Internet eXchange Points
- Internet Exchange Point design and Multihoming Case Study
- Lab (Module 19 and 21)
- General time for extra talks and Lab
- Quiz

Each class is different and tuned to the participants requirements. If there are any specific requirements, these should be communicated to the instructors during the workshops. The instructors who teach at these workshops are among the top Internet engineers today, and between them, have a great deal of knowledge on many current technologies.

[ Schedule
Details ]

Routing (Workshop 2)
Instructors : Lim Fung, Srinath Beldona, Seo Boon Ng (Cisco System)

Class Size: 28

Attendees must bring a laptop

Who should attend:
This is a technical workshop. Technical staff who are now or soon will be building or operating a wide area TCP/IP base Internet Service Provider (ISP) network or Internet eXchange Point (IXP), likely with international and/or multi-provider connectivity.

Cisco IOS Fundamentals; user level UNIX and maybe some system administration; some use of network design, preferably TCP/IP-based.

What you will learn:

  • Techniques for design, set-up, and operation of a metropolitan, regional, or national ISP backbone network. This includes advanced OSPF, BGP4, and policy based routing configurations.

  • Techniques for the design, set-up, and operation of Internet Exchange Points.

  • Techniques for multiple connections to the Internet (multihoming), including connections to IXPs and ISPs.

  • Techniques to achieve optimal performance and configuration from a Cisco backbone router. This includes routing scalability, network design, and configuration tips.


Day 1
- ISP Network & Routing Architectures (Introduction)
- Internet Routing
- OSPF and BGP
- Lab (Module 1)

Day 2
- ISP Network & Routing Architectures (Basics)
- BGP Attributes and Scaling Techniques
- Lab (Module 2 and 3)

Day 3
- ISP Network & Routing Architectures (Advanced)
- BGP Best Practices, OSPF areas and BGP Route Reflectors
- Lab (Modules 4, 6 and 7)

Day 4
- Scaling the Network
- Advanced Router Configuration and Multihoming
- Lab (Modules 11 and 12)

Day 5
- Policy Routing and Internet eXchange Points
- Internet Exchange Point design and Multihoming Case Study
- Lab (Module 19 and 21)
- General time for extra talks and Lab
- Quiz

Each class is different and tuned to the participants requirements. If there are any specific requirements, these should be communicated to the instructors during the workshops. The instructors who teach at these workshops are among the top Internet engineers today, and between them, have a great deal of knowledge on many current technologies.

Internet Security
Instructors : Kunjal Trivedi (Cisco)Vicky Shrestha, Damien Holloway (Juniper)

Class Size: 28

Attendees must bring a laptop.

Who should attend:
Network Operations and security staff at ISPs and Network Service Providers. People who are trying to learn ropes of establishing a functioning security system in their network core and edges. Any one else with interest in Security topics.

This is an advanced course. Good familiarity with UNIX command line and system administration jobs. Knowledge of Layer 3 protocols, and command line of popular routers. Basic knowledge of security concepts is an added advantage.

What you will learn:
The ISP / NSP Security Workshop focuses on following components to provide comprehensive understanding and hands-on experience allowing you to gain valuable experience in network security best common practices, tools and techniques.

- Network infrastructure security
- Security services

For network infrastructure security, best common practice for protecting infrastructure including IP addressing, baseline building, securing IGP and BGP routing protocols and router filtering techniques are covered in detail. Controlling access to the routers, collecting network telemetry information and control plane protection techniques are discussed.

A six step methodology for detecting and mitigating DDoS attacks on the infrastructure provides hands-on understanding on how to deal with such attacks. Anti-spoofing measures to combat IP spoofing attacks and Remotely Triggered Blackhole (RTBH) filtering to protect against infrastructure attacks hands-on practice provides easy to deploy tools on the SP networks.

The security services address designing, deploying and managing L3 Virtual Private Networks. A balanced discussion covering security of 3VPN provides good basis of evaluating the level of security for the business needs. Finally, a discussion of how managed security services such as IP VPN prepares SP networks for provisioning other security services

[ Schedule
Details ]

VoIP + Multicast
Instructors : Jonny Martin (FX Networks), Greg Shepherd (Cisco) and John Zwiebel (Cisco)

Class Size: 28

Attendees must bring a laptop

Who should attend:
This is a technical workshop, made up of lectures and hands-on lab work. Open to technical staff who are now or soon will be deploying IPMulticast services on a IP based Internet Service Provider (ISP) network, Enterprise network, Campus network or Internet exchange Point (IXP), for one-to-many and/or many-to-many data/media/NGN distribution services and applications.

Pre-requisites:User level UNIX and basic system administration skills; basic understanding of VoIP; understanding of TCP/IP and some network design in a service provider environment.

What you will learn:

  • An introduction to telephony past and present, and how this has evolved into Voice over IP.
  • VoIP fundamentals; techniques, codecs, protocols, plus network and quality considerations.
  • How to install and configure Asterisk, one of the most popular and fully feature open source PBXs available.
  • Advanced techniques with Asterisk including database integration, interactive voice response (IVR) applications, billing systems, queuing / helpdesk sytems, and integration with external applications.
  • Configuration of the open source SIP Express Router, and a look at other open source VoIP servers.
  • How to design and build a VoIP platform suitable for an ISP environment, including management considerations
  • Configuration and provisioning requirements for a variety of hardware, including Asterisk/Digium PSTN cards, Cisco voice gateways, and SIP handsets.
  • Where and how to use ENUM, voice peering, and voice interconnection techniques.
  • A look at where VoIP technologies are heading, and current trends in VoIP deployments.

Technologies covered:
Basic circuit switched telephony, VoIP protocols, Asterisk the open source PBX, Sip Express Router, PSTN gateways, ENUM, SIP based voice peering, ISP VoIP platform design.

Multicast Workshop:
Who should attend: This is a technical workshop, made up of lectures and hands-on lab work. Open to technical staff who are now or soon will be deploying IPMulticast services on a IP based Internet Service Provider (ISP) network, Enterprise network, Campus network or Internet exchange Point (IXP), for one-to-many and/or many-to-many data/media/NGN distribution services and applications.

Cisco IOS Fundamentals; IGP and BGP router configuration basics.

What you will learn:

  • Techniques for design, set-up, and operation of an IPMulticast enabled network.
  • PIM-SM/SSM/BiDir configuration, application, and design considerations for IPTV/NGN/3-play, financial service provider, and exchange networks.
  • Interdomain multicast configuration using PIM, MBGP, and MSDP.

[ Schedule
Details ]

Instructors : Bill Manning ( ,  Johan Ihren (Autonomica) , Ed Lewis (Neustar)

Class Size : 28

Attendees must bring a laptop

Who should attend:
This course is suited for systems staff, network administrators, DNS administrators, and other staff with responsibility for design and operations of network services (almost all of which depend on DNS). Anyone else who wants a better understanding of how DNS actually works is welcome too. ccTLD administrators are most welcome.

Basic user level Unix, knowledge of TCP/IP addressing and reasonable idea about how the Internet naming scheme works.

What you will Learn:
A complete and compact introduction to DNS. All of "classic DNS" is covered. Most of standard DNS issues are both theoretically discussed and, through lab exercises, worked with in practice.

Excerpt of topics covered: historic overview, database structure, record types, zones and domains, DNS message structure, recursion, authoritative servers, resolvers, caching, delegation, glue records, the ice floe model vs. the tree hierarchy model, reverse delegation, master vs slave, primary master and hidden master, zone transfers, notify, access control, logging, implementations, design alternatives and aspects.

As time permits, more complex scenarios (including firewalls, "split-DNS", forwarding, etc), TSIG (Transaction Signatures),rndc (remote control of BIND9 nameservers), EDNS(0) (Extended DNS), DNSSEC (securing DNS data through the addition of digital signatures), views, etc. The lab exercises are performed in a BIND9 environment.

The later part of the course covers emerging topics such as secure dynamic update of DNS data. Furthermore DHCP for address space management is covered, including all the details of interection between DHCP and DNS in environments utilizing dynamic update. This course also treat the DNS aspects of IPv6 and DNS issues with migration to a mixed IPv4/IPv6 Internet. Finally international domain names are discussed in some detail.

All topics are fully covered with both lectures and hands-on exercises

All Workshops run for 5 days (21 - 25 Feb 2007). Full 5-day attendance is required

[ Schedule
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