Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies

Hosting an APRICOT Summit

As from APRICOT 2017 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, APRICOT moved to its new operational model, whereby the event was no longer hosted or financially underwritten by a local host.

Prior to APRICOT 2017, organisations from around the Asia Pacific region would enter a competitive process to host the APRICOT conference. After feedback from the community in recent years, the APRICOT Board determined that this was not an optimal process, mostly because organisations who didn't have the financial wherewithal to support the conference's budget would be detered from bidding to host the event.

This now means that APRICOT itself shoulders the responsibility for managing the entire budget for the APRICOT Summit, allowing more flexibility for different economies to support the event. And this is more in line with APRICOT's mission to bring Internet technology and operational skills to all parts of the Asia Pacific region.

The replacement for the bid process is for the APRICOT Secretariat to seek out partners in the targeted subregion; these are any of:

or any other organisation or group of organisations who can demonstrate that they have significant support from their local Internet community. Priority is given to locations where APRICOT has never been before (in line with APRICOT's stated mission)

The work to seek partners starts 2 or 3 years prior to the APRICOT event, and is usually confirmed the year before the summit is due to start. This is once a suitable conference venue has been established.

The APRICOT Summit is implemented by the APRICOT Secretariat, under the leadership of the APRICOT Project Manager and fully underwritten by APRICOT itself. The Partner for the particular summit is part of the organising team and is expected to provide local logistical support and the Internet access for the whole summit - this is described in detail below.

Finally, in exchange for agreeing to be APRICOT's official Partner, APRICOT will recognise the Partner on the website as the "APRICOT Host".

APRICOT Secretariat Responsibilities

The APRICOT Secretariat, under the leadership of the APRICOT Project Manager, is entirely responsible for the delivery of the APRICOT Summit in the chosen location.

The APRICOT Secretariat has full responsibility for the Summit budget, the venue rooming, the build-up, the layout, registrations, finances, and all other activities related to APRICOT. The local Partner is required to assist the Secretariat with all activities as and when requested, and in a timely manner.

Local Partner Obligations

The Local Partner for APRICOT is expected to assist with all local logistical support for the APRICOT Project Manager and Secretariat. This includes, but is not limited to, the activities described below.

Venues & Suppliers

Publicity & Promotion of APRICOT

Technical Activities

Logistics, Travel, and Administration

Programme Development



Suitable Venues

Venues around the Asia Pacific region show a considerable variety of layouts and configurations. But the basic requirements for APRICOT are summarised below.

This is simply a guideline for any entity wishing to offer to be a local Partner for APRICOT. The APRICOT Secretariat will make the final determination as to any venue's appropriateness. The more detailed Venue Requirements document should be consulted for further information.

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