Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies

APRICOT's Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct explains expectations for anyone participating at an APRICOT Summit, including delegates, guests, speakers, contributors, commenters, sponsors, Summit staff and all others involved. It applies not only to the physical event, but also to remote participants, online meeting spaces and digital platforms used for and in conjunction with the Summit.

The APRICOT Summit encourages and welcomes everyone to participate, regardless of ethnicity, religion, origin, colour, age, appearance, disability, gender, gender identity and expression, or sexual orientation.

Expected Behaviour

It is expected that participants behave properly and positively at all times: showing respect and courtesy to others wherever possible, and ensuring a safe and inclusive environment.

APRICOT is dedicated to providing a conference experience where all participants feel welcome and comfortable to participate fully. APRICOT is committed to providing an environment free of the following unacceptable behaviours:


Unacceptable behaviour by any community member, including those with decision-making authority, will not be tolerated. Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behaviour is expected to comply immediately.

If a community member (or a group of members) engages in unacceptable behaviour, the APRICOT Secretariat reserves the right to take appropriate action. This may include, but is not limited to, issuing warnings, revoking access to certain sessions or areas, temporarily banning the individual, or permanently expelling them from the event without prior notice or refund.

Individuals or any participating organisation if expelled or banned for unacceptable behaviour will not be permitted to re-enter the venue or attend future APRICOT events unless otherwise communicated by the Secretariat.

The APRICOT Summit team will be happy to help participants contact venue security or local law enforcement to provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of APRICOT.

The code of conduct extends beyond the event venue to cover all interactions associated with the Summit, including APRICOT sanctioned social events, digital platforms, and communications before, during, and after the event.

How to Report Unacceptable Behaviour

If you are subject to or witness unacceptable behaviour, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the APRICOT team immediately. Alternatively send email to conduct at apricot dot net. All correspondence is treated with the strictest confidence.

About the Code of Conduct

Behaviour at APRICOT reflects on every individual participant, their employer, and our industry at large. We expect participants to follow these rules at all APRICOT venues, related social events, and all online/digital spaces supporting the Summit.

If you have any questions, don't understand some of the policy, or would like to discuss this policy, please contact any member of the APRICOT team who would be happy to arrange for someone to discuss it with you.

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