The U.S. Government is transferring authority for the Internet's centralized functions - including the allocation of domain names, the addressing and protocol systems - to a new non-profit entity called the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN"). The Domain Name Supporting Organization ("DNSO") is one of the three supporting organizations called for by the ICANN by-laws.
We, AP* Internet Organisations, would like to invite you to participate in meetings on Tuesday, 1999.03.02 from 0900h to 1800, and possibly Friday, 1999.03.05 from 0900h to 1800 in Singapore to finalize the domain names support organization(DNSO) application to ICANN. In addition, we may hold preliminary DNSO constituencies' meetings on Thursday, 1999.03.04.
The meeting will be self-supporting, so the coordinating organizations have agreed that a US$50 registration fee is necessary to cover costs. Lunch will be provided. Space is limited to 50, so please let us know soon whether you will be attending by registering online or sending an e-mail message
Registration will be available online Please tick under DNSO. Alternative, you can register at the door from 0845h 2 March 1999 or email Agnes Lee (
Venue: Suntec City Convention Centre, Downtown Singapore
Date: 2 March 1999 (Tuesday)
Time: 0900h to 1800h (or as long as it takes)
We will decide further meeting schedule during the March 2
DNSO Meeting. Please plan your trip schedule which allows you to stay
in Singapore until 5 March 1999 18:00.
The goal of this meeting is to arrive at a broad-based consensus on the DNSO application. We hope DNSO community comes with a consensus draft. The Singapore meeting is to finalize the DNSO application with further refinement as appropriate.
Please try not to leave Singapore without the consensus DNSO application. We anticipate that AP*, a non-partisan facilitator will be brought in to help the DNSO community to reach the final consensus.
We look forward your participation and involvement in this important and challenging effort.
For more information about this meeting, please refer to
For more information about other meetings during this very very busy
week, please refer to
AP* Organizations
Website Manager: Tan Tin Wee (APNG)
Contacts: Agnes Lee (SGNIC)
AP* organisations comprise the following: