Table of Contents
Global lightwave undersea cable networks- Present and Future -
Transmission capacity of the underseacable systems in the Pacific ocean
Lightwave undersea cable systemsin the Pacific ocean
Major system parameters ofTPC-3 and TPC-4 system
Transmission loss characteristics of the SiO2 based optical fiber
Basic system configuration of the lightwave undersea cable system
Block diagrams of the repeater circuits
Reliability issues of the optical repeater
Principle of the Erbium-doped fiber optical amplifier (EDFA)
Basic configuration of the EDFA
Example of electro-optic repeater and EDFA
Technical difficulties of the lightwave undersea systems using EDFA repeater
Test bed of the lightwave undersea systems using EDFA repeater
TPC-5CN Cable Route(Trans-Pacific Cable 5 Network)
APCN Cable Route(Asia-Pacific Cable Network)
FLAG Cable Route(Fiberoptic Link Around the Globe)
Major system parameters of OS-A system
JIH Cable Route(Japan Information Highway)
Major system parameters of JIH cable(tentative)
Explanation of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) technology
Explanation of optical soliton technology
Principle of recirculating loop experiment
Experimental setup of 5Gbit/s, 22WDM,9500km recirculating loop experiment
Snap shot of the WDM experiments
Transmission performance of 5Gbit/s, 22WDM,9500km recirculating loop experiment
Experimental setup of 20Gbit/s, 8100km straight line optical soliton transmission
Transmission performance of 20Gbit/s, 8100km straight line optical soliton transmission
PPT Slide