APRICOT 2006 Program > Conference

When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 9:00 - 10:30
APRICOT Plenary Keynote Address: A PKI to Support Improved Internet Routing Security

Steve Kent (BBN)

Slides: download 15MB pdf

Several proposals have but put forth for improving the security of routing in the public Internet, e.g., S-BGP, soBGP, and SPV. The ultimate goal of these proposals is to enable ISPs to verify the legitimacy of route advertisements received via BGP UPDATEs. A first step toward this goal is enabling an ISP to verify that an Autonomous System (AS) is authorized to originate routes to specified blocks of IP addresses.

This presentation describes a PKI designed to support these goals, through the issuance of X.509 digital certificates to resource holders. It makes use of the certificate extension defined in RFC 3779, to represent address space and AS number allocations. The PKI parallels the existing organizational structure by which these resources are managed (RIRs, LIRs/NIRs, and ISPs), hence no new "trusted" entities are introduced. Unlike a conventional PKI, this one does not issue certificates to identify resource holders, but rather enables Route Origination Authorizations (ROAs) to be verified as having been digitally signed by the resource holder, whoever that may be. A repository system for distribution of the PKI data, and ROAs is also described.

About the Speaker

  • Dr. Stephen T. Kent
    Vice President & Chief Scientist - Information Security BBN Technologies

    In his role as Chief Scientist, Dr. Kent oversees information security activities within BBN Technologies, and works with government and commercial clients, consulting on system security architecture issues. In this capacity he has acted as system architect in the design and development of network security systems and served as principal investigator on a number of network security R&D projects for over 25 years.

    Over the last two decades, Dr. Kent's R&D activities have included the design and development of user authentication and access control systems, network layer encryption and access control systems, secure transport layer protocols secure e-mail technology, public-key certification authority systems, PKI models, and key recovery (key escrow) systems. His most recent work focuses on security for Internet routing, voice over IP, and high assurance cryptographic modules.

    The author of two book chapters and numerous technical papers on network security, Dr. Kent has served as a referee, panelist, session chair and keynote speaker for security conferences around the world. Since 1977 he has lectured on the topic of network security on behalf of government agencies, universities, and private companies throughout the United States, Europe, Australia, Africa and the Far East. Dr. Kent received the B.S. degree in mathematics from Loyola University of New Orleans, and the S.M., E.E., and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a Fellow of the ACM and a member of the Internet Society and Sigma Xi.



When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 9:00 - 10:30
APRICOT Plenary Keynote Address:
Geoff Huston (APNIC)

One of the more persistent themes of the communications industry is that of "convergence". The term has had a long and rich history, and in its most recent incarnation convergence is being associated with the delivery of voice, video and data services. IP is, of course, heavily implicated here as the foundation technology of a new generation of converged service providers. Is convergence truly a major force in today's industry, and what other pressures are shaping the future structure of our industry? It appears that convergence is not delivering on its promises, and while the industry is undergoing yet another transformation, this has less to do with convergence and much more to do with deregulation, fragmentation and associated pressures for role specialization within the industry. What is the future of the traditional monolithic carrier in tomorrow's unconverged world?

About the Speaker

  • Geoff Huston
    Senior Research Scientist at APNIC.
    He was largely responsible for Australia's first Internet service, the Australian Academic and Research Network. He then served a 10 year term in Telstra, in various technical roles, finishing as the Chief Internet Scientist for the company. He has been a member of the Internet Architecture Board, and currently chairs a couple of working groups in the IETF.



When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 11:00-12:30
[L2 / Room 4]
Session: Peering Track

Speakers: Barry Greene (Cisco), Stephen Baxter (PIPE Networks), Mike Hughes (LINX)
Slides: download, download2, download3

At APRICOT2004 and APRICOT 2006 we highlighted the operations and peering challenges facing ISPs building into and within Asia, sharing the collective experiences of the Peering Coordinators in the room. In this session we will focus on evolution - in order to continue forward it is sometime useful to reflect on the past.

A Historical perspective
As one of the early Internet architects intimately involved with peering in Asia, Mr Greene will share a historical perspective on some of the first peering sessions in Asia. He will share his view on questions such as: What was the Asia Internet like before regional peering? What was the motivation for dedicating expensive (oceanic) transport for the first peering sessions between parts of Asia? Who were the players involved in setting up peering? (telcos with ISP subsidiaries? ISPs purchasing transport on the open market? Engineers or Business Development staff?) What was the nature of the cooperation required?

An Australian Historical Perspective
Peering issues have often been heated when focused on recently privatised incumbents and the peering inclinations of Tier 1 ISPs (those who have access to the entire country routing table solely through peering relationships). Australia is no different and has taken broad strides towards the privatization of the incumbent (Telstra). Mr. Baxter, as an early participant in the Australian peering ecosystem, will share with us the evolution of peering in Australia, focusing on the rise of the so-called "Gang of Four" Tier 1 ISPs, the regulatory initiatives from the ACCC to deal with grievances, and the current peering ecosystem in Australia.

Best Current Practices in Peer NOC-to-NOC Communications
Over the years we have seen a wide variety of operations support and escalation communications issues that can and should quickly be repaired. The speaker has spent the last few years working with the Peering Community to document and share the best practices in Network Operations Center communications. This is particularly important when NOCs are spread across cultural and language boundaries.


When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 14:00-15:30
[L2 / Room 4]
Session: Peering Track

Speakers: Brokaw Price (Yahoo!), William B. Norton (Equinix), Sylvie LaPerriere (TeleGlobe)
Slides: download

This talk is based on recent research with the peering coordinator community and highlights the strongest arguments for and against using peering ratios to discriminate peering candidates. The audience will decide which side of the argument is stronger by a show of hands at the end of the talk.

Peering from a Content Provider perspective
Yahoo! is one of the world's most popular destinations in part because of its intense focus on end-user experience. To that end Yahoo! has built its own peering infrastructure and expanded into parts of Asia. Mr. Price has established hundreds of peering sessions to date and will share his experiences building into and throughout Asia from a Content Provider perspective.

The Folly of Peering Ratios?
Peering is often established with mindset that the two parties are "peers"; that theis networks are of similar reach and scale. Peering "Ratios" are among the potentially many peering metrics for selecting peering candidates. For example, one ISP might stipulate that peering is acceptable if your ratio does not exceed 2:1 outbound to inbound. Since content providers send large volumes of content in response to a relatively small request packet, this metric makes it very difficult for content providers to qualify. This issue becomes more critical as content providers expand into more high bandwidth applications like high definition video streaming and emerging time-delayed large scale content distribution.

International Peering Dynamics
One of the most important challenges a Peering Coordinator faces is determining the locations where peering strategically makes sense across and within Asia. How does one assemble the business case and business plan for peering regionally and then within particular countries? What are the gotchas, hidden underlying assumptions, and challenges to overcome? What should we as a Peering Community do to foster more interconnections? Ms. LaPerriere will share her tenure of International Peering experiences with the group, helping to lay the groundwork for the group to build more peering in Asia.


When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 16:00-17:30
[L2 / Room 4]
Session: Peering Reception - The New Peering Simulation Game v4

William B. Norton (Equinix)

Bring your wireless-enabled laptop computers to interact with this new Interactive Peering Simulation!

The Peering Simulation Game has been re-engineered so the players and the audience members fire up their java-enabled browsers and participate interactively with the newest incarnation of the Peering Simulation Game.

Four players from the audience will bring up their laptops and play the role of Peering Coordinator, building out their networks, managing their transit commits, building into Internet Exchanges (if it makes financial sense) and neogitating *paid* peering. As the ISPs build out, and the peerings are established, all laptops are updated in real time.

The audience plays the role of The Market, helping decide which players get bonus customers and traffic, which ones suffer equipment failures, etc.

There is of course a twist or two in the game. First, the players now make their moves at the same tme, and all player and audience screens are updated in real time. Second, the audience has complete information - they can see the relative strengths of the players, as well as the players future rolls, but the players have only a limited view into the other players negotiating position. Third, the ISPs can steal each others customers! They can offer a lower price to sway the customers. ISPs can apply "Customer Care" to protect their customers from being stolen, which can be countered by applying "Taint" to help encourage a customer to leave a "bad" ISP. These peering and competitve dynamics mimic the real world coopetition that ISPs face every day. In the five years of evolution of this game, we have seen that the negotiations carried out in the game are strikingly similar to peering negotations in the real world.

This is a not a presentation ! Aside from the 5-10 minute introduction to "What is Peering? and How do we play the Peering Simulation Game?", the players and audience members (along with the faciliator) will provide the content and discussion. This is a highly interactive and audience involved participation game that helps teach how peering really works.


When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 11:00-12:30
[L2 / Room 5]
Session: SPAM
Dave Crocker (Brandenburg Internetworking), Kwan Hee (Kevin) Hong (KISA/KRCERT-CC)
Slides: download

BOTNET Activity & Mitigation
The main topic will be how BOTNET works, purpose of BOTNET, dangerous of BOTNET, how to mitigate BOTNET, how we should cooperate it. Too many Asian Region system has been compromised then function as Zombie PC and being abused to several ways.


When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 14:00-15:30
[L2 / Room 5]
Session: SPAM
Suresh Ramasubramanian (Outblaze Limited), Richard Cox (Spamhaus.org), Matthew Sullivan (SORBS), Mark Reynolds (Reynolds.Net.Au)

An open discussion on antispam blocklists, from an operator perspective.
An open discussion on antispam blocklists, from an operator perspective.  The topics covered deal with blocklist listing policies, cooperation and notification strategies between ISPs and blocklists, and how ISPs can deal with listings of their IP space in various blocklists.   Each presenter will be allowed 20 minutes of speaking time, with a 30 minute open mike session on blocklists to follow.


When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 16:00-17:30
[L2 / Room 5]
Session: SPAM
Ray Hunt (University of Canterbury), John Haydon (Australian Communications and Media Authority)
Slides: download

Tightening the Net: A Review of Current and Next Generation Spam Filtering Tools
This paper provides an overview of current and future spam filtering approaches. It then examines the problems spam introduces, including discussing what constitutes spam and how it can be measured. The paper then focuses on discussing automated, non-interactive filters, which cover a broad range from open source to commercial implementations leading on to new ideas proposed by research papers in this area.
These filtering techniques can be based upon non-machine learning (heuristics, signatures, blacklisting, hash-based, traffic analysis, etc) or upon machine learning techniques (Bayesian, spare binary polynomial hashing, support vector machine, Markov models, pattern discovery etc).
The paper thus aims to review existing techniques and discuss the new research ideas being published which are likely to lead to solutions in the future.
Finally a case study involving the PreciseMail Anti-Spam System is evaluated to investigate the effectiveness of implementing modern machine learning techniques such as Bayesian filtering.

Technical initatives to combat spam
ACMA is involved in a number of technical initatives aimed at reducing spam within Australia.
The benefits of these initiatives is that the information gained from them can be used to address the spam problem within Australia but can also be used by other jurisdictions to combat spam."



When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 11:00-12:30
[L2 / Room 6]
Session: Addressing & Renumbering
Geoff Huston, Akinori MAEMURA, Masataka MAWATARI, Kiyoteru ISHIHARA, Champika Wijayatunga
Slides: download

IPv4 Address Exhaustion
The exhaustion of the IPv4 address space has been a long-anticipated event, with initial predictions being made in 1990 that predicted exhaustion by 1995. Obviously IPv4 has managed to not only survive but thrive well beyond that date, and more than one quarter of the entire IPv4 address space remains in the as-yet-unallocated free address pool. This presentation will report on a statistical analysis of the recent trends in IPv4 address consumption, and report on the trend analysis in terms of address exhaustion. The presentation will also look at some of the implications of address exhaustion in terms of likely industry response to this situation.

IP Addressing design
IP Addressing design is one of the most basic one among variety of component of design, however it is not easy at all in practice.
This presentation will discuss about various practical cases of IP addressing which requires various consideration in day-to-day operations like following:
- IPv4 addressing
- Key points for very efficient use of IP address block
- IPv6 addressing:
- Initial design and operational consideration
- Diffrence between IPv4 and IPv6
This will include the latest discussion in JANOG17 conference on January 19 & 20.

Internet Resource Management - Past lessons and current policies in the Asia Pacific
This presentation will take a look at history to give us an understanding of the importance of Internet resource management and the role of industry in self-regulation. It will explain key terminology when talking about the RIRs and will examine important aspects of the IPv4 and IPv6 policy framework.





When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 14:00-15:30
[L2 / Room 6]
Session: Access
Truman Boyes (Juniper), Greg Bader (iiNet), S Khandekar (Alcatel), Yogesh Jiandani (Cisco)
Slides: download, download2, download3

Broadband Access Networks and Triple Play
This presentation will cover current Triple Play delivery techniques (DHCP/PPPoE/multiple VC), Broadband and Ethernet Architecture, and Broadband service resiliency (HA elements, MPLS-TE, QoS).

DSL deployment lessons learnt
A look at the business case, deployment methodology, and lessons learnt by iiNET during it's ADSL2 rollout in Australia's unbundled local loop environment.

Design considerations for delivery of Triple Play Services over Access Networks
Mr. Khandekar is the co-author of the DSLForum technical contribution (DSL2006.269.00) that describes an MPLS enabled Ethernet aggregation network for delivery of triple play services. In his talk, he will discuss design considerations and operational challenges for delivery of Triple Play Services over Ethernet based access networks that are increasingly Ethernet based.
Mr. Khandekar will also discuss the role of technologies such as VPLS, MPLS, DHCP and IP multicast as presented in the DSLForum contribution and how these technologies can be leveraged to improve the scalability, OAM, resiliency and restoration of large scale triple play networks.

Metro Ethernet
Service Providers are also looking to capitalize on the ""broadband"" opportunity, providing high-speed services to apartment blocks, multi-tenanted business centers and hotels. This is also revolutionising the Enterprise and SMB market where the access mechanism is a commonly understood technology - Ethernet.
This technology is easy to deploy, own and upgrade and will help in deployment of newer and faster services.
The UNI and NNI are both the same media Ethernet which makes this technology cost effective and simple to deploy. It can also be deployed over existing telephone cables (EtherDSL).
Ethernet economics, speed and the cost-effectiveness, simplicity, ease of use and familiarity are seen as a big plus and a new approach to metropolitan networking. Metropolitan Area Networks enabling broadband access are becoming more viable to deliver services that offer more bandwidth.


When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 16:00-17:30
[L2 / Room 6]
Session: Wireless Networks
Dhruba Raj Bhandar (Final Quadrant Solutions), Matt Kolon (Juniper), Richard St Clair (Internet Users Society of Niue)
Slides: download

Large hotel wireless network deployment
This presentation gives a look at the how a large wireless network was deployed in the Soaltee Crowne Plaza Kathmandu. Architecture, tools, authentication, and limitations and lessons learnt will be covered.

Mobile and Wireless Technologies for Service Providers
As mobility becomes the 4th leg in many providers ""voice, data, and video"" strategies, many IP network engineers and architects are struggling to understand the relationship between mobility/wireless networks and IP-based infrastructure. This conference session will introduce participants to IP- and MPLS-based solutions to the data needs of mobile networks, from basic 2G GPRS networks to faster 3G networks and beyond. The role of IP access networks for WiFi and WiMax deployments will also be explored. By the conclusion, participants will understand the place and importance of IP and MPLS to the modern converged mobile network operator, and the potential for outsourcing and co-operation between mobile and wireline operators that this relationship exposes.

Internet and Wifi Development on a Remote Island
An overview of developing a wifi nation on a South Pacific Island Nation, this presentations takes you through various aspects of what can run simply and effectively in hostile tropical environments. After some years of trial and error, the video presentation is the product of being able to find that happy combination of hardware, software, location, colocation and some luck to top it all off. Question and discussion session at the conclusion.


When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 18:00-19:00
[Ballroom 1]
Session: NSP-SEC BoF

NSP-SEC Overview - Danny McPherson (Arbor)
NSP-SEC-JP: Peers Working Together to Battle Attacks to the Internet - Taka Mizuguci (NTT)
Internet Motion Sensor Update - Danny McPherson (Arbor)
Slides: download

Security incidents are a daily event for Internet Service Providers. Attacks on an ISP's customers, attacks from an ISP's customer, worms, BOTNETs, and attacks on the ISP's infrastructure are now one of many "security" NOC tickets through out the day. This increase in the volume and intensity of attacks has forced ISP's to spend constrained resources to mitigate the effects of these attacks on their operations and services. This investment has helped minimize the effects of the attacks, but it has not helped stop them at the source. Stopping attacks at their source requires rapid and effective inter-ISP cooperation. Hence, these ISP Security BOFs are also used as a face-to-face syncup meeting for the NSP-SEC forum.

Additional information can be found here: https://puck.nether.net/mailman/listinfo/nsp-security

If you would like to contribute to the BOF, please send email to danny [at] arbor.net


When: Thursday 2 March 2006 9:00-10:30
[L2 / Room 3]
Session: DNS
Edmon Chung (Afilias), Bill Woodcock (PCH), Stephane Bortzmeyer
Slides: download, download2, download3, download4

DNSSEC Implementation and Issues
In the fall of 2006, Afilias provided the technical services to PIR (Public Interest Registry) for a DNSSEC testbed for .org. Afilias implemented then-current RFCs in the testbed in order to gain experience with the technology and observe operational issues for Top Level Domain (TLD) Registries. Afilias discovered that technical issues were not serious impediments to deployment. The more serious barriers were social ones. The lack of a protocol for trust anchor key management meant intractable problems for publication. Furthermore, promoting interest in the technology turned out to be even more difficult than anticipated.

DNS Anycast Service Provision Best Practices
Anycast is now the de-facto standard for carrier-grade DNS service provision. Although anycast provides great benefits in stability and performance, there are also potential pitfalls in its implementation. In this talk, Bill Woodcock, who has built three of the largest DNS service provision networks in the world, will discuss best practices for anycast network design and implementation.

The CODEV-NIC DNS registry software
Every DNS registry must manage a database of names currently registered and produce a DNS zone file (as well as whois output) from it. To do so, most registries use a custom, locally written program.
For the smallest and poorest registries, like it is common in the South, this can be too difficult: that is why many TLDs do not have a real information system, and, for instance, cannot host a whois server.
CODEV-NIC attempts to be a solution for these TLD. Not only it is free software, but it is also multi-policy (every TLD has different registration rules).
CODEV-NIC has been developed by three registries acting in common, "".ci"" (Ivory Coast), "".mg"" (Madagascar) and "".fr"" (France).
The talk will present CODEV-NIC, the requirments it had (specially the need to be multi-policy), the technical choices and the way it was developed by three teams working in three different countries.


When: Thursday 2 March 2006 11:00-12:30
[L2 / Room 3]
Session: VoIP
Gene Lew, Gaurab Raj Upadhaya, Jonny Martin
Slides: download, download2, download3

A technical and functional description of the SIP-IX framework that NeuStar is deploying.

INOC-DBA (Inter-NOC Dial-by-ASN )
INOC-DBA (Inter-NOC Dial-by-ASN ) hotline phone system connects the network operations centers of network operators around the world in a closed VOIP system. The INOC-DBA hotline system has been in production use since October, 2002, and undergoes continuous development and refinement. Recent developments have included cryptographic authentication, a self-provisioning web interface for participant organizations, as well as inter-operability tests SIP devices and software PBXes.
This presentation will also present statistics as well as data on quality of calls.

Current VoIP activities in NZ
This presentation will cover current VoIP activities in NZ - both constructive and destructive. Telecommunications and VoIP regulation, current operators and experience, legal aspects and technical details will be investigated. A status report of the InternetNZ run ENUM trial will also be provided. Lastly and perhaps most importantly, the impact open source VoIP solutions are having on the voice landscape will be analysed."


When: Thursday 2 March 2006 14:00-15:30
[L2 / Room 5]
Session: SoftbankBB's Broadband Contents
Masaru Akai (SoftbankBB)

Softbank BB is a successful venture ADSL carrier who holds the most number of ADSL users in Japan with their brand-new full IP network. They have been really active in providing contents over their network.

In this session their contents services are introduced.

+ BBTV Broadband Service
+ BBTV VoD Service
+ Broadcasting of the games of Softbank Hawks Pro baseball Team:

About the Speaker

  • Masaru AKAI
    Softbank BB Corp. Japan
    After having gained experience as a domestic integrator, Masaru has been involved with domestic/ global IT industry since joining PSINet Japan in 2004. Learned server facility & surroundings, IPv6, and BGP operating. Joined Softbank BB Corp. in 2004 as a server engineer and have focused on broadband content.



When: Thursday 2 March 2006 14:00-15:30
[L2 / Room 5]
Session: Myths and Realities: How the government regulates what Australians see on the internet
Peter Coroneos (Internet Industry Association of Australia)

Myths and Realities: How the government regulates what Australians see on the internet
(A legal analysis for non lawyers of Australia's online content regulatory regime)

In 1999, the internet industry in Australia, when first presented with the prospect of mandatory filtering of internet content to protect children, responded by develop three industry codes of practice. These were registered by the national regulator, the Australian Broadcasting Authority (ABA), and only after passing a strict adequacy test in relation to community safeguards.

Co-regulatory legislation makes the Codes legally enforceable by the ABA and large penalties exist for non compliance. Under the Codes, ISPs must provide for use tools and information to enable customers to better control of content accessible in the homes.

To further promote the empowerment solution, the IIA introduced the Family Friendly ISP scheme in 2003. This scheme has bipartisan political support. It entitles Code-compliant ISPs to display a ‘ladybird’ seal on their sites, signifying to families their entitlement to the kind of protection and assistance that the Codes mandate.

Importantly, further revisions to the Codes currently in progress extend the basic model to cover content accessible through convergent mobile devices which are now coming into use.

This paper considers the challenges to internet regulation based on the Australian experience and expounds co-regulation framework as an appropriate
policy response.

About the Speaker

  • Peter Coroneos
    Internet Industry Association of Australia
    Peter Coroneos is Chief Executive of the Internet Industry Association, the national industry body for the Internet in Australia. In addition to his role as primary industry advocate, political strategist and spokesperson for the IIA, Peter drives the IIA's policy development work and has instigated the formation of specialist taskforces to leverage member expertise in diverse legal, economic and technical areas.



When: Thursday 2 March 2006 16:00-17:30
[L2 / Room 5]
Session: Art and Science of Building NUS Data Centres
Name Kelvin TEOH, HO Hock Jim (National University of Singapore)
Co-Author: David Liau Tai Wai (National University of Singapore)
Slides: download

The National University of Singapore Data Centre is a 24-hours non-stop high-availability nerve centre for the IT operation and communication backbone for the National University of Singapore. It is purpose-built with advanced temperature and humidity control, fire detection and suppression systems, UPS and standby power generators, access control security system, as well as a diverse routing of communications.

With a nett floor area of 720m2 and a floor loading of 7.5kN/m2, NUS Data Centre hosts a total of more than 200 servers with 61 Terabytes of raw data storage as well as a core communication backbone with 24 Gigabits of aggregated bandwidth. The centre supports a myriad of IT services and applications like Internet, Email, e-Learning, wireless connectivity, video conferencing, student admission, course registration, student feedback, class timetabling, digital library, alumni portal, and many other human resource and financial related applications. Combined with an access controlled media library that is equipped with an independent temperature and humidity control, NUS Data Centre ensures that critical backups are safely secured and retrieved when needed.

NUS Data Centre also provides the University with a globally connected campus via highspeed network connections to the Singapore Government Network (SGNet) and Internet-II networks in Australia, China, Japan and the United Kingdom. Each day, it serves hundreds of thousands of requests and transactions from students, staff and visitors from all over the world.

NUS Data Centre…Connecting the Future…

About the Speakers

  • Kelvin TEOH
    National University of Singapore
    Kelvin Teoh is a Data Centre Specialist and Hock-Jim Ho a Network Engineer, at the Computer Center, National University of Singapore (NUS). As a member of the Data Centre Team, Kelvin is currently managing Data Centre operations. Major projects undertaken includes a full renovation of the NUS Primary Data Centre with minimal downtime, the construction of a new Off-Campus Data Centre, and the design, deployment and operation of a state-of-the-art campus-wide distributed UPS infrastructure (inclusive of remote management and monitoring).

  • HO Hock Jim
    National University of Singapore
    Hock Jim's role as a member of the Network Infrastructure Team has led to his participation in various engineering and community projects. These includes Inter-School Wireless Roaming, BGP Blackholing, DNS-based Botnet Migitation and Internet Bandwidth Bulk Tender for Schools. He currently oversees the NUS WAN infrastructure, and is a member of NUS Singapore Open Exchange (NUS-SOX) NOC.
  • David Liau Tai Wai
    National University of Singapore
    IT Professional with more than 10 years of multi-displinary experience in the IT industry.



When: Thursday 2 March 2006 16:00-17:30
[L2 / Room 5]
Session: Content Switching and Application Optimization - Technologies and Design Approaches within Data Centers
Speakers: Zeeshan Naseh (Cisco)

Application optimization, high availability, scalability and security are the key requirements for today's Data Center network designs. This session presents several design options when deploying network based application optimization and security services.

The session focuses on the integration of Content Switching (SLB), SSL off load and Firewall technologies within a Data Centers. Deployment examples will be based on the Content Switching Module, SSL Service Module, Firewall Service Modules on the Cisco Catalyst 6500.

The advantages and disadvantages of each design approach and technology will be covered in detail together with some configuration example. The ideas of secure internal segments and significance application flow will be covered to understand the requirements of the enterprise.

About the Speaker

  • Zeeshan Naseh
    Cisco Systems
    Zeeshan Naseh, CCIE (#6838), is a Technical Leader in Cisco's World Wide Data Center Networking Practice within Advanced Services. His primary responsibility have been supporting Cisco's major customers, including service providers, wireless service providers, large enterprises, and financial institution. As a design consultant, Zeeshan has focused on Content Switching and Data Center designs. Zeeshan has authored several white papers and design documents that have been published internally within Cisco and on CCO. He is also the author of the upcoming book - "Designing
    Content Switching Solutions". Prior to joining the Cisco Advanced Services team, Zeeshan has worked at US WEST, FORE Systems and Cisco's Cat6500 development team.



When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 11:00-12:30
[Ballroom 1]
Session: Routing/Operations: IPv6 Deployment in Comcast
Speakers: Alain Duran (Comcast)

How to manage a network with 100+ million IP addresses in the next few years? When Net10 does not cut it anymore, the sensible answer for Comcast is IPv6. Comcast is one of the first operators to adopt IPv6 as a strategic activity with an aggressive roll-out plan. In its initial phase, this plan focus on the management and operation of Comcast operated devices, like cable modems and set-top boxes. Key architectural choices are made to reduce the complexity of the overall deployment.

About the Speaker

  • Alain Durand
    Director and IPv6 Architect in Advanced Engineering at Comcast
    Alain has been working on IPv6 since 1994, participated in the INRIA BSD IPv6 implementation in 1995 and was a pioneer on the 6bone in 1996. Alain has authored numerous RFC and Internet Drafts at IETF and co-chaired the NGtrans working group from 1999 to 2002. He now servers as the co-chair of the Softwires working group. Prior to Comcast, Alain was at Sun as the IPv6 architect during the development of Solaris 10.



When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 11:00-12:30
[Ballroom 1]
Session: Routing/Operations:
IPv6 IGP/BGP Routing
Speakers: Khalid Raza (Cisco)

V6 routing will cover OSPFv3, ISIS enhancements to carry v6 routes and BGP changes. Protocol that is gone through a major rewrite is OSPF, we will look into OSPF how the changes affect the protocol and address the limitation of OSPFv2. We will also look at all the link states and how they are different then v2 plus new LSA types that are specific to V3 only. Presentation will cover ISIS new TLV's added to the protocol for v6. We will also look at MPBGP and how AF v6 works on top of MPBGP.

About the Speaker

  • Khalid Raza
    Khalid is a Distinguished Engineer at Cisco Systems. As a recognized expert within Cisco and worldwide ISP and NRN community, Khalid has been designing large scale IP networks for over ten years. His expertise includes IP routing protocols (OSPF, ISIS and BGP), MPLS and ISP networks. He represents Cisco in industry panel discussion and technical conferences around the world and discusses technologies and protocols related to large scale ISP and NRN networks.

    Khalid has influenced technology directions and decisions within Cisco and ISP and NRN community worldwide. He has produced technical white papers and co-authored a book called "Large Scale IP Network Solutions". Khalid holds a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and a Master's degree in Engineering Management from USA.



When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 14:00-15:30
[Ballroom 1]
Session: Routing/Operations:
Transitioning to IPv6: Issues & Mechanisms
Speakers: Jeff Doyle (Juniper)

In the past ten years a multitude of IPv6 transition terchnologies have been proposed. This presentation examines what technologiesd are gaining acceptance in the industry and which ones are being abandoned. The application of these technologies and the approaches to transition are also examined.

About the Speaker

  • Jeff Doyle
    Specializing in IP routing protocols, MPLS, and IPv6, Jeff Doyle has designed or assisted in the design of large-scale IP service provider networks throughout North America, Europe, Japan, Korea, Singapore, and the People’s Republic of China. Jeff is the author of CCIE Professional Development: Routing TCP/IP, Volumes I and II; OSPF and IS-IS: Choosing an IGP for Large-Scale Networks; and is an editor and contributing author of Juniper Networks Routers: The Complete Reference. Jeff has presented numerous corporate seminars for Juniper Networks, and has also spoken at NANOG, JANOG, APRICOT, and at IPv6 Forum conferences worldwide.



When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 14:00-15:30
[Ballroom 1]
Session: Routing/Operations:
Multicast v6
Speakers: Toerless Eckert (Cisco)

"The most important stuff people should know about multicast today (but will have a hard time to figure out just from IETF specs), and some cool new stuff too that's also interesting for IPTV ... bot not everything ;-("

About the Speaker

  • Toerless Eckert
    Toerless Eckert is technical leader in Ciscos Internet Technologies Division (ITD). Primarily working out of a deployment and architecture role, he is bridging the gap between customers and Cisco engineering for IP multicast both in platform independent software and Cisco product development. His current focus is on advancing the solutions for multicast resilicency, label switching and broadband access.

    First using in IP multicast in 1992 to receive video broadcasts across the globe, he became one of the first customers to EFT test Ciscos IOS IP multicast in 1994 and joined Cisco in 1999.



When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 16:00-17:30
[Ballroom 1]
Session: Routing/Operations:
Advanced BGP Convergence Technics
Speakers: Pradosh Mohapatra (Cisco)

A presentation indicating recent advances in BGP protocol. Description of new BGP address families along with the functionality provided by them. New dynamic embedded tools for efficient and very flexible multihoming technics. Tools and recommendations to optimise network end to end convergence for both IPv4/v6 as well as vpnv4/v6 applications.

About the Speaker

  • Pradosh Mohapatra
    Pradosh Mohapatra is a Technical Leader in the high-end routing group of Cisco Systems, San Jose, CA, where he is involved in the design and implementation of BGP protocol.

    He has more than 8 years of experience in the Networking industry and has worked extensively in IP and MPLS protocols and technologies. He is currently leading the L3VPN development effort in Cisco's high-end router product lines (CRS-1 and Cisco 12000).



When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 16:00-17:30
[Ballroom 1]
Session: Routing/Operations:
IPv4/IPv6 Network implementation and operations
Speakers: Ariga Seiji (NTT Communications)

This presentation will introduce what we've done to implement and operate IPv4/IPv6 network in large scale network, for the people who has some experience on designing/operating medium to large scale IPv4 network. This covers, IPv6 characteristics you have to think of when you design large scale IPv6 network, difference between IPv4 and IPv6 which appears when deploying IPv6 into existing IPv4 network with no service interruption, and practical issues on operating IPv6 network.

About the Speaker

  • Seiji Ariga
    IP Engineer, NTT Communications
    He has been working for NTT Communcations since 2002. He is an IP Engineer operating NTT Communications' Global IP Network (aka 'ntt.net'). NTT Communications has been running IPv4/IPv6 dual stack network globally for more than 4 years. He played a main role in design, implemention and operation of this dual stack network. He started to work on IPv6 since 1997 while he was a student at Keio University as a member of WIDE Project.



When: Wednesday 1 March 2006 16:00-17:30
[Ballroom 1]
Session: Routing/Operations:
Fast Reroute for Triple Play
Speakers: Sachin Natu (Redback)

For service providers, applications such as IPTV and VOIP are becoming increasingly important in Next Generation Converged Networks. For successful deployment of such applications, fast repair in case of network or link element failure is becoming a critical piece.

This presentation will focus on different methods and design solutions, which will help in network fast repair. In more details we will look at:
* Use existing routing protocol optimization to perform fast convergence.
* Nexthop Fast Reroute which makes it possible to use MPLS to protect IPTV and VOIP traffic. In this part we will also discuss some new mechanisms which can prevent microloops during subsequent routing convergence.

About the Speaker

  • Sachin Natu
    Sr Product Manager responsible for delivering IPTV and Voice services related product features.



When: Thursday 2 March 2006 9:00-10:30
[Ballroom 1]
Session: Routing/Operations:
Pros and Cons of going unnumbered
Speakers: Kireeti Kompella (Juniper)

Network administrators typically number (i.e., configure IP addresses on) all directly connected interfaces of an IPv4 router. This talk examines this practice, and assesses its pros and cons, and suggests some alternatives. As this practice is fairly deeply rooted, this talk challenges some of the assumptions and deliberately attempts to stir up thinking on this front. Open discussion is invited.

Topics include: why number? why go unnumbered? when can one go unnumbered? what are some restrictions of going unnumbered? is there a middle ground? what other alternatives exist? what lies beyond going unnumbered?

About the Speaker

  • Kireeti Kompella
    Kireeti Kompella is a Juniper Fellow at Juniper Networks. His current interests are all aspects of Multi-Protocol Label Switching, including Traffic Engineering, Generalized MPLS, and MPLS applications such as VPNs. Dr. Kompella is active at the IETF where he is a co-chair of the CCAMP Working Group and the author of several Internet Drafts and RFCs in the areas of CCAMP, IS-IS, L2VPN, MPLS, OSPF and TE. He specializes in Layer 2 VPNs, Metro Ethernet and Virtual Private LAN Service. Previously, he worked in the area of filesystems at Network Appliance and SGI; and earlier in the area of security and cryptography.

    Dr. Kompella received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering and M.S. in Computer Science at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur; and his PhD in Computer Science at the University of Southern California.



When: Thursday 2 March 2006 9:00-10:30
[Ballroom 1]
Session: Routing/Operations:
Service Control Technologies for peer-to-peer traffic in next generation networks
Speakers: Teruyuki Hasegawa (KDDI R&D Labs) & Lior Gendel (Cisco)
download, download2

"Service Control Technologies Peer-to-peer traffic in next generation networks", Lior Gendel, Oren Raboy, Mallik Tatipamula, Cisco systems; Atsushi Tagami, Teruyuki Hasegawa, Shigehiro Ano, Toru Hasegawa, KDDI labs.

Peer-to-peer (P2P) traffic consumes network resources without creating additional revenue. It is allegedly estimated that 70 percent or more of broadband bandwidth is consumed by downloads of music, games, video, and other content. Consumption will increase as P2P downloads multiply because of increases in subscriber adoption and file sizes.

Identifying P2P applications is complex. Sophisticated P2P protocols can dynamically hop to different ports, making them difficult to detect, monitor, and control. Many existing devices and unsophisticated service control technologies lack the ability to detect changing P2P protocols, hampering a service provider's ability to cope with P2P application traffic.

This paper discusses the problems associated with the growing popularity of P2P applications and presents two kinds of service control technologies. First one is deep packet inspection, which enables accounting and controlling traffic with application awareness to attain the bandwidth fairness among subscribers. This approach is effective but needs some consideration about the deepness of inspection not to infringe the privacy of communications. Second one is P2P cache inducing P2P traffic to local destinations, which can mitigate inter-domain traffic. This caching architecture is P2P protocol independent but provides only rough traffic control. We also address the possibility of harmonized service control architecture for next generation network infrastructure.

About the Speakers

  • Teruyuki Hasegawa
    KDDI R&D Labs
    Teruyuki Hasegawa received the B.E. and M.E. Degrees of electrical engineering from Kyoto University, Japan, in 1991 and 1993, respectively. Since joining KDD (now KDDI) in 1993, he has been working in the field of high speed communication protocol and multicast system.

    He is currently a senior research engineer of IP Communication Quality Lab. in KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc. He received The Meritorious Award on Radio of ARIB in 2003.

  • Lior Gendel

    LIOR GENDEL is Managing Technical Marketing team in Cisco Systems. Prior to joining Cisco he designed and implemented public IP networks. After joining Cisco in 1996 he participated in the design of many private and public IP networks, in particular in Europe. His latest activity in Cisco includes a study of
    applications response over large IP networks and architecture of Cisco NG products. He holds a B.Sc. in computer engineering, B.A. computer science and an M.Sc. in computer science from Ben-Gurion University, Israel.



When: Thursday 2 March 2006 11:00-12:30
[Ballroom 1]
Session: Routing/Operations:
Peering Planning Cooperation without Revealing Confidential Information
Speakers: Arman Maghbouleh (Carident)

For most Internet Service Providers the majority of their traffic enters or leaves the network via BGP enabled peerings or upstream provider(s). Not only do these links need to have enough capacity during normal operation, they also need to provide redundant capacity during link failures. For the egress traffic (service provider to remote peer) this can be easily verified by simulating the rerouting under failure, as the topology of the network is completely known. The return traffic (remote peer to service provider) however can not be simulated, as the behavior of the remote network is not known. This creates a gap in the planning process for external peering links.

In this talk we present a simple methodology for creating 'Failover Matrices' that describe the traffic redistribution under peering link failure conditions. the matrices provide a useful mechanism for sharing information and improving the mutual planning process without disclosing any proprietary information. We will describe the principles behind the process as well as walk through a real scenario.

About the Speaker

  • Arman Maghbouleh
    Arman Maghbouleh serves as the President of Cariden Technologies where he works with network operators to develop routing and traffic management solutions. Arman has extensive experience in network design consulting and tools development, including stints at Apple Computer, Fidelity Investments and Advanced Telecommunications Research Laboratories.



When: Thursday 2 March 2006 11:00-12:30
[Ballroom 1]
Session: Routing/Operations:
Speakers: Stefano Previdi (Cisco)

IP Fast Reroute technologies aim to provide traffic restoration within a few tens of milliseconds. Similar technology has been already developed and deployed using MPLS and now IPFRR delivers the same capability to IP networks or IP+MPLS networks but where RSVP is not deployed. IPFRR also provides protection for multicast traffic. This presentation gives an overview on the current IETF proposals in terms of architecture as well as the Cisco view on these technologies. The presentation covers multiple aspects including:
- IP Fast Reroute Downstream Routes
- IP Fast Reroute Not-Via Addresses
- Micro-loop Avoidance Algorithms (for Fast convergence and FRR technologies)
This session is ideal for anyone who wants to understand the latest developments and techniques in IP routing.

About the Speaker

  • Stefano Previdi
    Stefano Previdi joined Cisco Systems in March 1996 as Escalation engineer in the Technical Assistance Center for Routing Protocols Technologies. He then moved to a Senior Consutling Engineer position and participated to the architecture definition of MPLS-VPN. He also closely followed the first Cisco implementation of MPLS-VPN as well as the early field deployments.

    In 2001, he moved to engineering as Technical Leader for IS-IS development and implemented a set of Fast convergence features in IOS IS-IS implementation.

    Since 2002, Stefano joined IOS-XR Architecture team and focused on Routing Protocol performance and scalability.

    In parallel with his engineering activity, Stefano is an active member of IETF especially in the IS-IS and Routing Area working groups. He submitted several drafts among which some have been moved to RFC status.



When: Thursday 2 March 2006 14:00-15:30
[Ballroom 1]
Session: Routing/Operations:
Modelling Inter-Domain Routing
Speakers: Olaf Maennel (University of Adelaide)

In this talk we discuss a methodology and tool to construct an AS-level model of the Internet topology. The aim of this work is to be able to simulate the inter-domain routing system in such a way that we can predict the results of topology and/or policy changes. With such a tool operators could ask "what-if"-questions, for example: "What impact does a new (or cancelled peering) have on inter-domain traffic flows"? "To which peer/upstream should I connect, given a certain traffic profile"? "What impact has a change in the connectivity of transit networks on my AS"?

To answer such questions we use large-scale simulations. Recent advances in simulation techniques allow us to compute Internet-wide routing models in reasonable time. As input to our simulation, we use BGP routing tables gathered at different vantage points. We start off with a simplified model that matches all observed paths without having to handle the coarser policies applied in the Internet that lead to the observed paths. From there we go on and use heuristics to correlate the information that is available using many observation points and many different prefixes. This gives us insights about how policies might affect routing in the Internet in general and at which granularity policies are actually applied at the AS-level.

While our methodology is still work-in-progress, preliminary results show that we can expect to predict AS paths between two ASs with accuracy above 87%. To improve our methodology we seek feedback from the network community to understand what particular questions our tool should be able to answer.

For more information about how we construct the inter-domain model, please see: http://home.in.tum.de/~muehlbaw/thesis.pdf

About the Speaker

  • Olaf Maennel
    University of Adelaide
    Olaf Maennel obtained his Ms degree in computer science from the Saarland University in Germany in May 2002 and? his PhD from the Technical University of Munich in October 2006. He is currently ?a postdoctoral fellow with the University of Adelaide in Australia. His current research ?interest is networking, with a focus on routing, including router testing, understanding convergence issues and topology characteristics.



When: Thursday 2 March 2006 14:00-15:30
[Ballroom 1]
Session: Routing/Operations:
Multi-Segment PWs: “A small step for PWs, a giant step for Metro Convergence?”
Speakers: Jeffrey Sugimoto (Nortel)

Pseudowire End to End Emulation (PWE3/PW) is gaining momentum. WAN deployments of PWE3 are currently enabling new Ethernet services and the opportunity to converge ATM, Frame Relay and other legacy services over a common MPLS core. The multi-service attributes of PWs and adaptability to different types of PSN tunnels are giving the technology strong consideration as a candidate to deliver convergence in metro access networks, either as an end to end service or as an aggregation for “new age” solutions: e.g. next generation optical transport, triple play, wireless backhaul.

As PW technology moves from leading edge to mainstream and into the Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) a number of considerations are coming to the forefront:

How can I keep my access network simple while deploying PWs?
How can I segregate my access and core networks?
How can I scale a PW deployment in general?
How can I offer PW between administrative domains, including Inter-provider scenarios?

These requirements drive a need for a new breed of PWs that concatenates several PW segments together to form a Multi-Segment PW (MS-PW). This presentation starts by discussing the new requirements and motivations behind them with a particular focus on the need to provision and connect segments of a MS-PW in an operationally efficient manner. The presentation then discusses the mechanisms that provide solutions to the problem considering the latest IETF work and it concludes with an analysis of possible applications for these building blocks.

About the Speaker

  • Jeffrey Sugimoto
    Jeff Sugimoto is a senior engineer that manages the L2 VPN services team reporting to the office of the CTO in Nortel's service provider data networks organization. His 12 years at Nortel have included a variety of experiences including several years of engineering, design and architecture, focusing on L2 VPNs over MPLS. Jeff has co-authored several drafts in the IETF and contributions to the MFA related to L2 VPNSs over MPLS, most recently focusing on multi-segment pseudowires. His experience and expertise has enabled Jeff to speak at several large technical conferences, including most recently Carriers World Asia 2006.



When: Thursday 2 March 2006 14:00-15:30
[Ballroom 1]
Session: Routing/Operations:
Opportunities for SPs with Enterprise MPLS
Speakers: Matt Kolon (Juniper)

MPLS is no longer a technology just for Service Providers, and enterprise IT managers are beginning to be quite sophisticated consumers of it. Far from being a threat to Providers, this situation opens up a variety of possibilities for interesting hybrid service definitions, using MPLS capabilities in new and technically challenging ways. From enabling a customer's private network, to using inter-AS operations to peer with them at the MPLS NNI, to using carrier's carrier models to transport the MPLS backbone of a geographically disparate organization - there are many chances to offer customers excellent service helping them build a hybrid MPLS network. This presentation discusses the standards and practices you can use to build these networks, and offers practical advice and case studies from providers who have done it.

About the Speaker

  • Matt Kolon
    Matt Kolon has worked for Juniper Networks since 1999, and is currently Juniper's Mobility Architect in the APAC region. He helps design mobile networks and writes, presents, and teaches about mobility, security, telephony, and the future of IP technologies. Prior to Juniper he was a Senior Member of Technical Staff for Hill Associates, where he trained and consulted for telecommunications providers; prior to that he was an IT consultant in private practice in New York City.

    Matt has presented papers and seminars at networking conferences and trade shows including MPLScon, APRICOT, NANOG, The China VPN Conference, MPLS Forum Japan, and SuperComm. He is a co-author of two books, "IP Telephony" (McGraw-Hill, 1999) and "Juniper Networks Routers: The Complete Reference" (McGraw-Hill, 2002), and since 1994 has published many technical and non-technical articles in industry journals and elsewhere.



When: Thursday 2 March 2006 16:00-17:30
[Ballroom 1]
Session: Routing/Operations:
Using Multi-Layer Routing to Provision Services across the MPLS/GMPLS Domain Boundaries
Speakers: Andrew G. Malis (Tellabs)

Slides: download

Network convergence naturally occurs to avoid the need for service specific infrastructures. However, as convergence occurs, the technology selected for the convergence layer (i.e. MPLS, IP, WDM, SDH, ATM) is influenced by the service mix that a carrier expects to carry in that particular portion of the network. This leads to different convergence technologies being chosen in different parts of the network.

The selection of different convergence technologies doesn't change the fact that customers are still going to request services that traverse the entire network. Consequently, control plane mechanisms must support the routing of service requests through a series of regions using dissimilar convergence layers. To facilitate this, the control plane needs to understand the multi-layer structure of the network, and how services requests are routed.

This talk will show how multi-layer routing methods can meet this requirement, and will include a discussion of the information necessary to represent the relationship between the resources in different layer networks.

About the Speaker

  • Andrew G. Malis
    Andrew G. Malis holds the position of Chief Technologist at Tellabs, which provides end-to-end service delivery and transport solutions for carriers. He has been active in wide-area data networking and telecommunications for over 30 years, beginning with the ARPANET, the foundation of today's Internet. He has also held senior engineering positions at Bolt, Beranek, and Newman; Ascom Nexion; Cascade Communications; Ascend Communications; Lucent Technologies; and Vivace Networks, which was purchased by Tellabs. His current responsibilities include Tellabs’ product architecture, future product planning, standards participation coordination, and customer consultation.

    He is also President and Chairman of the Board of the MFA (MPLS, Frame Relay and ATM) Forum, served as the MPLS Forum’s founding Technical Committee Chair, has chaired a number of working groups in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the ATM Forum, and is a veteran participant and award recipient in other standards bodies and industry consortia. He has written, edited, and otherwise contributed to many standards documents in these organizations, including 21 IETF RFCs. He also serves on the technical advisory boards of several privately held high-tech companies, and has chaired and spoken at numerous industry conferences. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at Brown University, and his Master of Science degree, also in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, at Harvard University.



When: Thursday 2 March 2006 16:00-17:30
[Ballroom 1]
Session: Routing/Operations: Internet routing table analysis

Speakers: Stephan Millet (Telstra)

Research into 18 months worth of BGP activity on an Australian ISP Backbone. This research shows a corrolation between the size of the routing table and the BGP updates created as the BGP table size increases. The reseach also investigates ways to minimise the effect of BGP updates on a core network, and attempts to determine what may happen if the BGP table continues to grow at it's current rate.

About the Speaker

  • Stephan Millet
    Network Engineer for Telstra Internet Direct, with 5 years ISP industry experience in network engineering and routing.



When: Thursday 2 March 2006 16:00-17:30
[Ballroom 1]
Session: Routing/Operations: Metro scalability and Availibility

Speakers: Jian Feng Xu (China Telecom)

Today scaling layer 2 metro network is a challenge. Spanning Tree Protocol is not the most suitable means of deploying MAN. The speaker would discuss the problem he face while building MAN. He would also alternative using IP (layer 3) to address some of the issue. He would also share his experiences he encounter. He would quote case study and the direction his organization is moving ahead to achieve their goal of scaling MAN network.

About the Speaker

  • Jian Feng Xu
    China Telecom
    The speaker has been involved in Internet in China since 1995. He started as a System Intergator supporting China Telecom before moving into the Research Department in China Telecom. The speaker is responsible for the design and building of the ChinaTelecom Next Carrier Network (CN2) backbone which incidentally is the larget IP network in China today. Today, Xu heads the CT research team comprizing of a group of research engineers. He also holds the concurrent role of Chinanet Chief Operation Manager over seeing the smooth running of Chinanet IP network. Xu travel within mainland China to give talks and share his experience of building large scale service provider IP network. He holds a master degree in Communication from Southern China University of Technology.



When: Thursday 2 March 2006 11:00-12:30
[Ballroom 2]
Session: Security: Security Operations Centers (SOCs).

Speakers: Barry Raveendran Greene
Guest: PCH - iNOC Phone Demonstration

SPs need tools, procedures, processes and training to survive today world of DOS, WORMs, VIRUSES, PHISHING, and BOTNETS. The presenter will review a SOC Starter Kit using freely available tools and techniques which would help an SP NOC, SOC, or Abuse Desk get an upper hands on today's threats.


When: Thursday 2 March 2006 14:00-15:30
[Ballroom 2]
Session: Security: A Day in the Security Life of a SP - NTT USA (Verio).

Speakers: Peter Schoenmaker (NTT America)

ISP Security professionals encounter unique security incidents. Miscreants, extortion, attacks on their infrastructure, law enforcement knocking on their doors, rampant worms, botnets gone wild, and collateral damage that knocks out multiple gig links are all types of incidents that an enterprise security professional will never experience. "A Day in the Security Life of an SP" is a new regular session given by service provider security professionals to help the broader APRICOT operations community learn about their colleagues' work, point out worries and concern in the industry, and recommend actions that the community can take that would make life easer.


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