APRICOT'99 - CONFERENCE Date : 3- 5 March '99 (Wed-Fri) Time : 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Venue : Suntec City, SICEC 1 Raffles Boulevard Singapore 039593 We are pleased to confirm your registration for the above event. You are advised to read the information stated below. A) REGISTRATION Conference registration commences at 8.00 am at Level 1 of SICEC. Please collect your name badge, souvenir, etc, at one of the two APRICOT Registration Booths located at Level 1. We seek your cooperation to put on your badge at ALL time for identification purpose as there will be other events running concurrently with APRICOT'99. Entry to all APRICOT sessions is strictly via badge identification. Please pick up your exhibition pass at Pre-Registration Counter of Internet World Asia (also located at Level 1) if you wish to visit the exhibition hall (with APRICOT Pavilion) located at Level 4. B) PAYMENT Fees paid will not be refunded. Please make payment by cheque/ bankdraft or Interbank Wire Transfer to "Singapore Computer Society" (if you have not done so) prior to the event. Any outstanding payment must be settled during registraion on the day of event. CASH PAYMENT is MOST PREFERRED for onsite payment. Kindly note that should there be *no-show* on the day of event, you will still be liable to make payment for the event as your place has already been confirmed. C) APRICOT OPENING RECEPTION - 2 MARCH '99 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm, Ballroom 3 (Level 2) You are cordially invited to the APRICOT Opening Reception on Tuesday 2 March '99 at SICEC, Suntec City, 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm, Ballroom 3, Level 2. D) APRICOT PLENARY/ ICANN OPEN MEETING - 3 MARCH '99 9.00 am to 12 am, MR 208/209 (Level 2) You are encouraged to attend the APRICOT Plenary/ ICANN Open Meeting on 3 March morning. Distinguished speaker, Mr Dave Farber, will be presenting at the APRICOT Plenary Opening. 0845 APRICOT & ICANN Guest Seated 0900 Plenary Opening by APRICOT Exco 0915 Speech by Mr Dave Farber 0955 Introduction to APRICOT Plenary & ICANN Open Meeting 1010 Coffee/ Tea Break 1030 ICANN Open Meeting 1200 Lunch 1330 Start of APRICOT Tracks E) APRICOT KEYNOTE SESSIONS - 4 TO 5 MARCH '99 9.00 am to 10.00 am, MR 208/209 (Level 2) Keynote sessions on 4 and 5 March will commence at 9.00 am as follow : - 4 MARCH '99 0900 - 0930 Keynote Speech by Mr Chris Moore 0930 - 1000 Keynote Speech by Mr Van Jacobson 5 MARCH '99 0900 - 0930 Keynote Speech by Mr Leong Keng Thai 0930 - 1000 Keynote Speech by Ms Esther Dyson F) ROOM ALLOCATION Kindly take note of the room allocation for different tracks : Infrastructure Track (3-5 March) MR 202 Applications Track (3-5 March) MR 203 Business Track (3 March - Afternoon) MR 208/209 Education Track (4 March) MR 208/209 Policy Track (5 March) MR 201 G) BIRDS OF A FEATHER MEETINGS All BoF Meetings will be conducted from 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm unless otherwise stated on the sign-up sheet (to be displayed on the whyteboard at the foyer) :- Wed 3 March Peering/ Exchange Points MR 202 Y2K Issues MR 203 Thu 4 March Women in IT MR 201 iDNS MR 202 PGP Key Signing MR 203 H) COFFEE/ TEA BREAKS & LUNCH Lunch will be held at Ballroom 1 of SICEC, Level 2. Entry to Ballroom 1 is strictly via badge identification. Morning (10.00 am to 10.30 am) and Afternoon (3.00 pm to 3.30 pm) Coffee/Tea Break will be held at Level 2 Foyer. Thank you for your kind attention. We look forward to greeting you at APRICOT'99.