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Program Committee Website


Tuesday - 27th February, 2007 (Half day - PM)

Wednesday 28th February, 2007

Thursday, 1st March, 2007


[ Schedule
Details ]


Early Bird (by 15 January 2006)

Full Rate
APNIC Member
300 USD
225 USD
2,700,000 IDR


Standard (from 16 January 2006)

Full Rate
APNIC Member
400 USD
300 USD
3,600,000 IDR

[ Schedule
Details ]

Conference Details

Tuesday - 27th February, 2007 (Half day - PM)

Opening Plenary
Floor / Rooms
14:00 - 15:30
Chair : Gaurab Raj Upadhaya
APJII formalities :
Speech: Sylvia W Sumarlin ( APJII Chair )
Opening Remarks : Sofyan A. Djalil
( Minister of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia )
Signing Commemorative Cover by Minister of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia.
  Keynote speaker : Vijay Gill (Google)
"How an ISP might attain Tier-1 status in two years"
Announcements :
AP RALO formation announcement - ICANN/ Izumi Aizu


Plenary I
Floor / Rooms
16:00 - 17:30
Chair : Philip Smith
1. Perfect storms and the future < presentation file >   
  > Dave Meyer
2. Scaling of Internet Routing and Addressing
< presentation file >
  > Vince Fuller (Cisco Systems)
3. Wireless Common Sense: Shifting the Collection of Prejudices
  > Robert J. Berger (IBD, LLC)


Floor / Rooms
First / Jakarta A
18:00 - 19:00
PAP key signing
: George Michaelson

[ Schedule
Details ]

Wednesday 28 February, 2007

The detailed agenda of the conference is still being prepared. Meanwhile, the highlights of confirmed presentation are listed below.

Plenary II
Floor / Rooms
9:00 - 10:30
Panel Discussion
Quakes on the AP Internet (A Panel and presentation on effects of the fiber cuts near Taiwan in late 2006)
Chair : Akinori Maemura

1. Sylvie Laperriere (VSNL International)
< presentation file >   
2. Hong-Ren Lo (CHT)
< presentation file >   
3. Kitamura Yasuichi (APAN NOC)
< presentation file >   
4. Wilfred Kwan (ANC)
< presentation file >   
5. Todd Underwood (Renesys)
< presentation file >   

Moderator : Akinori Maemura

Plenary III
Floor / Rooms
11:00 - 12:30

Chair : Hideo Ishii (AsiaNetcom)

"The Recent DDOS attack on the Root Nameservers"
  > Johan Ihren (Autonomica)
 2. Testing 32 Bit ASN
  > Geoff Huston (APNIC) < presentation file >  
Diagnosing Location of Broken Filters
  > Randy Bush (IIJ) < presentation file >  

APNIC Stream

Floor / Rooms

[First / Bandung]

18:00 - 19:00
Chair:Xing Li

[ Schedule
Details ]


Thursday, 1 March, 2007

General Session

Floor / Rooms

[First / Nusantara 3]

9:00 - 10:30

Lightening Talks
Moderator: Jonny Martin


APNIC Operational & Service Stream

Floor / Rooms

[First / Jakarta A]

9:00 - 12:30

"Fees WG"
Chair : RandyBush and Ming Chen Liang


APNIC Stream

Floor / Rooms

[First / Jakarta A]

14:00 - 17:30

Chairs: Kenny Huang


Floor / Rooms


[First / Jakarta B]


11:00 - 12:30
Services Stream
1st session is Lightening Talk in Nusantara 1
1. DNS Operations SIG
Chair : George Michaelson
  - CADR - more accurate data, cheaper
  > Bill Manning
- ISC BIND current status and future plans
  > Joao Damas (ISC)
- TLD dispute resolution policies
- .cz dispute resolution policies
< presentation file > 
  > Tomas Marsalek (NIC.CZ)
- .nz dispute resolution policies
  > Keith Davidson (APNIC)
- APNIC DNSSEC deployment considerations
  > Terry Manderson (APNIC)
14:00 - 17:30
2. Network Tools and Analysis
  - sFlow implementation at AMS-IX < presentation file >
  > Henk Steenman
- Managing your IP Address with the ripe-dbase whois

< presentation file >

  > Arnd Vehling (Nethead.De)
- Understand and Analysing Network Traffic, TCP/IP Operation and the use of Network Protocol Analyser
> Cecil Goldstein (APNIC)
- Pervasive Wireless Roaming in NUS and Singapore EducationInstitutions
  > Hock Jim, Beng Hua. NUS, SG
- Packet Level Traffic Visualisation : The Network Lava Lamp
< presentation file >  
  > Jamie Curtis, University of Waikato, NZ
3. Content and IDCs
  - Profiting from Third-Party Content and Service-Layer Policy Control
  > Russ Freen (Bridgewater Systems)
- SCTP as alternative transport to TCP and UDP

< presentation file >
  > Ibrahim (PT IndosatM2)
- Oportunities for WAN Acceleration
  > Damien Holloway (Juniper Network)
- The Business of IP: Challenges and Benefits

< presentation file >
  > Monique Morrow (Cisco)
[First / Nusantara 1]
11:00 - 12:30
Routing Stream
All sessions
chair : Ananth Nagarajan
1. Lightening Talk
2. IPv6 Focus Session :
  - Cost of not deploying IPv6
  > Jordi Palet Martinez (Consulintel)
- SAVA: An IPv6 Source Address Validation Architecture
  > Jianping Wu (CERNET), Ron Bonica (Juniper Networks)
14:00 - 17:30
3. Deployments :
  - Deployment Experience with BGP FlowSpec
  > Danny McPherson (Arbor Networks)
- Multilayer network Optimization
  > Sanjit Ganguli (OPNET)
- Route-Flow Fusion: Routing-Aware Traffic Analysis
  > Cengiz Allaettinoglu (Packet Design)
4. Operations :
  - Operational Tools For High Availability
  > Muku Murthy, Damien Holloway (Juniper Networks)
< presentation file >
- Route Injection and SPAM
  > Joe St. Sauver, UO/MAAWG (TBC)
- Routing and Power
  > Vijay Gill (Google)

[First / Nusantara 2]

11:00 - 12:30
Interprovider Relationships Stream
3. 1st session is Lightening Talk in Nusantara 1
4. IX Operations Panel
  Panel discussion on 'Regulations and IXPs'
  > Bill Woodcock (PCH)
  (Is there any room for regulatory interaction with IXPs? Should governments regulate IXPs directly, should ISPs be required regulatorily to participate in IXPs, is a regulation that traffic be kept domestic sufficient?)
14:00 - 17:30
5. Peering Track 1: Bill Norton (Equinix) < presentation file >  
  - A content Provider Perspective on Peering Across Asia
  > Denver Maddox (Limelight Networks)
- Peering Essential for Managing Traffic in Australia
  > John De la Fuente (Fish Internet)
- Internet Video : The next wave of massive Disruption to US peering Ecosystem
< presentation file > , < presentation file >  
  > William B. Norton (Equinix)
6. Peering Track 2 : Bill Norton (Equinix) < presentation file > 

- Experience with International Peering
  > Sylvie Laperriere, VSNL International
- Peering and Massive Scaling
  > Fumio Terashima (Soft Bank)
  (followed by Peering Social)

[First / Nusantara 3]
11:00 - 12:30
Security Stream
Transport Security
: Danny McPherson
1. Lightening Talks in Nusantara 1
2. MPLS Security
  - MPLS VPN Security Best Practice Guidelines < presentation file >  
  > Monique Morrow and Michael Behringer
  - Service Provider VoIP Security Practises
  > Naeem Akhtar
  - TCP Related DoS Attacks and Associated Challenges: From Evolution to the State-of-the-Art
  > V Anil Kumar
14:00 - 17:30

Routing and Infrastructure Security
Chair : Danny McPherson

  - Anti IP Spoofing Techniques < presentation file > 
  > Yoshinobu Matsuzaki (IIJ)
- Inter-domain Routing Security - Fight with route hijacking
  > Taka Mizuguchi and Tomoya Yoshida

< presentation file >
4. Security Research
  - IETF's IAB Report on Unwanted Internet Traffic
< presentation file >  
  > Loa Andersson

[ Schedule
Details ]


Interprovider Relationship Stream

Floor / Rooms

[Nusantara 2 Foyer]

18:00 - 19:00

Peering Social Event sponsored by EQUINIX


APNIC - EC/SIG Chair Meeting

Floor / Rooms

[Nusantara 2 Foyer]

18:00 - 19:00

APNIC - EC/SIG Chair Meeting
Closed Meeting (invitation only)


APNIC Closing Social Event

Floor / Rooms

[Grand Hyatt (Tba)]

19:00 - finish

APNIC Closing Social Event



[ Schedule
Details ]


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